
Armed & Dangerous Videos 19 Nov, 2003 / Comments: 8

Anyone with an XBox should have already picked up this month's Official XBox Magazine, whose coverdisc contains a playable Armed & Dangerous demo. For the rest of us, IGN has uploaded five gameplay videos for you to take a look at. Says the Scumm Bar's RemiO about the A&D demo: "This is the most addictive, funny, pure fun game I've played in ages, reminiscent of those old Amiga games where gameplay and originality took the front seat to flashy graphics."


  • Moosferatu on 21 Nov, 2003, 11:28…
    Is the Dan Pet*however you spell it* interview ever going to be published? I'm still know about the origin of his popularity.
  • tabacco on 21 Nov, 2003, 13:09…
    Of course not... do you want him to hack the site again? ;)
  • Moosferatu on 21 Nov, 2003, 17:14…
    Well, if it would clear up the mystery... by all means. :p
  • jmartin on 20 Nov, 2003, 01:37…
    Ok... I know this is out of place and probably should be in the forums or something, but I was wondering whatever happened to the Simon Jeffery interview from E3. About that time, when Mojo went down in flames, I was quite busy studying for exams and when I finally came back a week later I found that Mojo was in ruins and the interview that I was drooling for was nowhere to be seen. Was it ever published or what happened to it?
  • tabacco on 20 Nov, 2003, 02:53…
    It never got published.
  • jmartin on 20 Nov, 2003, 10:44…
  • Jake on 20 Nov, 2003, 17:50…
    It was rendered pretty irrellevant with Simon quitting and Full Throttle 2 being cancelled anyway.
  • jmartin on 21 Nov, 2003, 03:07…
    Yeah, but I for one would find it really interesting. Especially all the other questions you said you would ask for us.