
Aric Wilmunder shares five more design documents 03 Jul, 2016 / 4 comments

He's said he'd keep them coming, and he's delivered. Check out Aric's site to find the list of downloadable LucasArts design docs updated with:

- Labyrinth
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (a very preliminary doc)
- Sam & Max Hit the Road
- The Dig (seems to be for the Falstein version)
- The Curse of Monkey Island

So nevermind your previous Fourth of July weekend plans; it's SCUMM history you need to be honoring.

Source: Aric's World



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    Scummbuddy on 12 Jul, 2016, 12:54…
    He added more two days ago as well!

    Rebel Assault, Shadows of the Empire, Defenders of Dynamo City & The Telecommuter.
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    Remi on 08 Jul, 2016, 14:51…
    CMI -- interesting read, and as indicated by some, it sounded like a more interesting plot than the more vanilla version of an MI1-redux we got. (Not saying it was a bad game, plenty of it was great, but not exactly an inspired story.)

    The wedding party particularly sounded great. Very Sam & Max-esqu in a sense.
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    Rum Rogers on 06 Jul, 2016, 15:43…
    I might be wrong, but the old plot looks more classic and less childish than the one we got in the end. Returning voodoo gifts sounds hilarious in a MI2 way.
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    OzzieMonkey on 04 Jul, 2016, 00:58…
    Wow...that design doc for Curse is so different to the game we got.

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