...Darrell Rodriguez.
He has been named president of LucasArts. Full press release here.
"I couldn't be more excited to join such a dynamic and innovative company as LucasArts," states Rodriguez. "The people are world class and the IP is the best in the business. To be able to work with such cultural icons as Star Wars and Indiana Jones and develop new franchises is like a dream come true."As pointed out in forums by Haggis, no mention of the historical original IP. Nor any specific mention of Indiana Jones 2015 though Force Unleashed, Fracture and LEGO Indy Jones are discussed.
Rodriguez is currently Electronic Arts LA's chief operating officer and has worked at Disney Imagineering. Hopefully him being a creative type bodes well for the future of the company.
Source: LucasArts
Ha. At least they aren't trying to sugarcoat the situation any more.
I said the new Indy Jones game is NOT mentioned, even though LEGO Indy, FU and Fracture ARE name-checked.
and I think you meant to talk to me