
A true look behind Mojo 08 Oct, 2013 / 2 comments

Our own longtime writer, the always incorrigible eT, pulling his best Kramer impersonation just this afternoon:

  • LucasTones joined the chat room.
    LucasTones: ah fuck, Remi just hear me out
    LucasTones: it's 5600 words and I still haven't finished
    LucasTones: what the fuck happens now

Original deadline? End of 2007. We are hopeful we'll see this article in 2013!



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    Shmargin on 10 Jan, 2014, 06:15…
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    elTee on 09 Oct, 2013, 17:59…
    Well, the idea was hatched in 2007 :(

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