
A special month for special people 15 Nov, 2009, 05:35 / Comments: 21

As a follow-up to the Monkey Island 2 Special Edition speculation in the previous news post, Laserschwert thought it would be pertinent to share the following quote from the published Monkey Island article in Retro Gamer:
As for the future, that will depend on how the current projects perform. But with The Secret of Monkey Island topping the Steam and XBLA charts, and Tales proving to be Telltale's most popular game in its history, we're confident that the story hasn't finished yet. Monkey Island 2 Special Edition is inevitable, and we're told by our friends at LucasArts that next March might be a special month for fans.
So then.


  • Diduz on 16 Nov, 2009, 11:21…
    I didn't like MISE too much, but it's a nice thing to see LucasArts doing things like these again.
    I'll but it for sure.
  • haydenwce27 on 16 Nov, 2009, 13:42…
    I too will certainly but it!
  • DustCropper on 16 Nov, 2009, 08:13…
    It's not like LucasArts are going to break into your home and steal your old MI2 and replace it with their SE.

    You can still enjoy playing your old game as much as you like. Meanwhile I can't wait to have an updated version with HD graphics, updated music and great voice acting. :)
  • SurplusGamer on 15 Nov, 2009, 18:07…
    Add me to the list of people who thought that MI:SE was, with a few exceptions, an excellent effort.
  • Remi O on 16 Nov, 2009, 16:00…
  • ocki on 15 Nov, 2009, 22:37…
    I, for one, absolutely LOVED the new artstyle!
  • valkian on 15 Nov, 2009, 22:05…
    Me too. I don't really dig the new art style, but I'm just so glad they did it and I'm looking forward for more Special Editions.
  • ThunderPeel2001 on 15 Nov, 2009, 14:28…
    Oh god, please don't let us down again...................... :(
  • SurplusGamer on 15 Nov, 2009, 13:11…
    Hinty hinty hinty-hoo.
  • Izzy on 15 Nov, 2009, 12:24…
    No way....
  • Thriftweed on 15 Nov, 2009, 11:45…
    Hmmm .. I hope they make more of an effort with the artwork than MI-SE, it would be so bad if they got the same guys to do some Photoshop rush job over those great painted backgrounds.
  • ocki on 15 Nov, 2009, 11:25…
    Facepalm? This is the best news I've heard in months!! =)
  • TheJoe on 15 Nov, 2009, 11:12…
  • clone2727 on 15 Nov, 2009, 22:39…
    The eternal pessimist?
  • black_sheep on 15 Nov, 2009, 11:48…
    dude, you suck.
  • bakana on 15 Nov, 2009, 12:05…
    No, you know who sucks? Anyone responsible for Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition. And if any of those guys puts their grimy fingers on the game with the best art, story, and mood in the series, nothing good will come of it.
  • Sp0tted on 15 Nov, 2009, 14:45…
    Even if there were flaws in the MI:SE, it brought Monkey Island BACK to a lot of fans who had forgotten about it, and introduced it to a whole new generation. Sure it isn't exactly perfect or how you remember it from when you were a kid, but think of all the people who are now able to experience it for the first time.
  • neon_git on 15 Nov, 2009, 14:13…
    I hope your tongue was firmly wedged into your cheek as you typed that.
  • Kroms on 15 Nov, 2009, 12:21…
    OK, shortstop. Tell me what you'd have done differently.
  • Icebox on 15 Nov, 2009, 17:09…
  • black_sheep on 15 Nov, 2009, 12:21…
    I'm totally with you on this point, but I'm optimistic. Do you really believe that the developers don't read user feedbacks and are aware of the "mistakes" of the first special edition? Me neither. I really feel that they know what they're doing with Monkey 2 and I cannot wait to get to see it next spring.