5 Comments Scummbuddy on 09 Jan, 2008, 00:11… I've been putting pressed skulls in mine... no wonder mine tastes just awful. Shmargin on 03 Jan, 2008, 07:13… Yeah, that must be Grog Light.Theres no way that stuff would melt through a mug, let alone jail cell bars, keep the rum, but make sure its dark, and add some everclear for spirit!And to help with those cell doors, I mean seriously, Otis is waiting man. The Tingler on 25 Dec, 2007, 11:55… I do believe this is the real deal. Grog! Haggis on 24 Dec, 2007, 13:00… That's way too complicated for my tastes... I'll just use hot water, rum, lemon juice, and sugar. clone2727 on 23 Dec, 2007, 23:58… I seem to remember a different recipe involving kerosene, scumm, and red dye no. 2....
Theres no way that stuff would melt through a mug, let alone jail cell bars, keep the rum, but make sure its dark, and add some everclear for spirit!
And to help with those cell doors, I mean seriously, Otis is waiting man.