A Random Ranting 17 Jan, 2001 / Comments: 49
Guess what? No you won't. I tried to write a review of Escape From Monkey Island, as we have yet to post such an article, but unfortunatly it quickly turned into a random rant. The over all message of the rant seems to be: 'shut up about hating EMI so much, its not that bad fool!'
But its really just what happened when i tried to talk about the game. Please, read the rant, and post your comments on it.
I'd just like to say that this is true, and if you didnt like the game, im sure lec would like to hear why. everyone needs constructive criticism from time to time.
if you want i can set up a message board especially for the purpose of letting LEC know what you thought, and why. of course swearing and shouting and insulting wouldnt be acceptable but im sure people can be sensible about it.
"Hey! I know! Let's make Herman turn out to be grandfather Marley! We'll get loads of mileage out of that!"
"Good plan! But I don't like the sound of the mileage. Let's just end the game with the most annoying puzzle ever and go home."
As with your post, this is just my personal view. The particular plot twist you highlighted seemed so superfluous to me, almost as if they finished writing the plot and thought "Damn! We forgot to put any plot twists in!"
Or maybe their purpose was just to make people like me complain. :)