
A Monkey Island anniversary 01 Jun, 2019 / 3 comments

Let’s take a moment to reflect on this reminder from @fantasticleak16:

@mixnmojo Ten years to the day since Tales of Monkey Island & Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition announcements! Pretty sure this is now officially the longest hiatus that the series has ever had. We were pretty lucky that year-long revival happened all things considered!

So pour one out for the series today.



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    Rum_Rogers on 03 Jun, 2019, 09:00…
    Funny thing: the hiatus between EMI and TMI (2000-2009) felt decades longer than this (2009-2019). Senile dementia?
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 02 Jun, 2019, 15:08…
    Has it really been that long...?
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    OzzieMonkey on 02 Jun, 2019, 00:20…
    That reminds me, was there ever any footage of the announcements themselves? As in, were they announced at the Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo conference like was done with Grim Fandango Remastered? I couldn't find anything myself, just would have been nice to relive that giddiness from way back when, seeing as how it's incredibly unlikely that lightning will strike twice a decade later :(

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