
2013: A look back at the year that passed 31 Dec, 2013 / 4 comments

It came, it went, and here we are: at the brink of 2014. Hell, some of you are already there.

And you voted. Oh, how you voted for your 2013 favorites. The winners, the losers, we have them all summed up. So don't read this, but instead go and read 2013: A Review. The results will shock you!

(They will not shock you.)



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    p1r473 on 08 Jan, 2014, 01:46…
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    Kokos on 02 Jan, 2014, 15:00…


    Can someone point me in the direction of the never nefore seen monkey island clip? thanks
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    Artisa on 01 Jan, 2014, 20:40…
    There's a never before seen Monkey Island clip?! Where?! :O
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    p1r473 on 01 Jan, 2014, 17:48…
    Can someone point me in the direction of the never nefore seen monkey island clip? thanks

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