Oh no, Nelson, you were more than merely acceptable.Puzzle Agent 2 (46.43%)
Back to the Future (39.29%)
Hector: Badge of Carnage (28.57%)
Stacking (17.68%)
DeathSpank: The Baconing (14.29%)
Iron Brigade/Trenched (7.14%)
Jurassic Park (3.57%)
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (3.57%)
Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster (0%)
First, to those who voted for Back to the Future, I hope whatever you were smoking was better than the game.
Of course, it might also say a thing or two about the games we saw this year when the incredibly flawed Universal-license got that many votes. One can only wonder what could have been had Telltale taken a few more months to fix bugs, make some actual puzzles, and create a world that didn't feel oddly empty. As Gabez often says, the game needed more polish.
Thankfully Puzzle Agent 2 took home the win, and a well-deserved one at that. Here's a game with gameplay everyone can enjoy, from casual gamers to seasoned adventure veterans. The Puzzle Agent games might not have fared amazingly well in the mainstream media, but then again, what have they done for you lately, anyway?
Speaking of mainstream media, Hector somewhat surprisingly beat out Stacking, a game that has garnered some pretty stellar reviews.
Oh, and DeathSpank: The Baconing, Ronzo-less as it is, deserves some attention too. Maybe we should have reviewed it? Whoops. Maybe we still will review it?!
Best headline
Absurd Monkey Island speculation originates from ambiguous Facebook remark, we spread it (42.31%)
Mojo discovers last week (26.92%)
Oh Guybrush, that IS the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen (15.38%)
Telltale announce five video game announcements (11.54%)
Telltale brings home the Chaikin (3.85%)
Wonder why we're slow at posting news? We need to come up with some good headlines first. And this year, no-one was slower better at being "clever" than Jason who came up with the two winners here.
Most wanted for 2012
Intriguing, Ronzo, very intriguing.Ron Gilbert's new game. Scientists! Mobsters! (55.56%)
Monkey Island 6. Ho ho! (41.67%)
A truly original IP from Telltale (30.56%)
Sam & Max season four. (25%)
Psychonauts 2 (22.22%)
DJG (19.44%)
Ronzo finally takes home the win after being beaten out last year by the franchise he created. Good for him, particularly seeing a Monkey Island 6 seems increasingly unlikely.
Some might prefer an original Telltale IP to a fourth season of Sam & Max, but then again the latter seems more realistic. Hell, if it's as good as The Devil's Playhouse I see little reason to complain about that.