Well, Mojo was down for a few hours, along with much of the LFNetwork, and we apologize for not being able to bring this to you sooner.
Italian Gaming site Multiplayer.it snagged some footage from the upcoming Full Throttle trailer. Check it out here!
For those who cannot access FTP servers for any reason, check out our mirror here. Make sure you've got the newest version of DivX 5 to view this clip.
- 6mb Avi - Multipayer.it - DivX5 required
- 6mb Avi - The Scummbar.com - DivX5 required
- 5mb Mpeg - Mixnmojo.com
Source: DeepThought2k
It's goofy... It's not supposed to be goofy... sob... sniff... Lucas (ltd.) has raped my childhood AGAIN! I dunno... I hated EMI, I hope this won't be as bad. Yes, the end of the world hath come upon us: I HOPE THAT LUCAS ARTS WILL LAND NEAR THE UPPER END OF MEDIOCRE, as opposed to TRANSCEND THEMSELVES...
Also, may I be cynical and notice that Jeffrey said that HALF the games will be StarWars, and other HALF original; I see only a QUARTER of the program is original, and the rest are follow-ups on old franchises... Still, better than last year... Keep up the good work! I'm getting myself an X-box...
don't doubt, guys, there is the good ol'sean clark working on this game! it's surely going to be great!
divx.com - just install the codec and the media player will show you the trailer.