Is Psychonauts 2 not enough Double Fine news for you? You want more? Mojo has you covered.
Hot on the heels of this year's excellent Grim Fandango Remastered, and next year's fantastic looking Day of the Tentacle Remastered, Tim Schafer took the stage at the PlayStation Experience to announce that Full Throttle is also getting the remastered treatment.
It will feature updated graphics and sound, director's commentary, and new control options that will make the game more accessible to today's gaming audiences.
Full Throttle Remastered will be coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Windows, Mac, and Linux in 2017.
...do you think Double Fine would tackle any LucasArts properties that Schafer wasn't lead on for a remaster?
I hope so. Mind you, the next game (after 'Full Throttle') that I'd like to see given the remastering treatment would be 'The Dig', which unfortunately is about as likely as... something very unlikely. They could even sort out the rubbish ending (to an otherwise very underrated game)!
Otherwise, either 'Sam and Max Hit the Road' or 'Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis' would be good choices for the HD treatment.
Actually, I recall Bill Tiller saying that he'd be happy to expand and repaint his 'Curse of Monkey Island' backgrounds for a potential special edition. That would be pretty sweet.
Grim, DOTT, Throttle - do you think Double Fine would tackle any LucasArts properties that Schafer wasn't lead on for a remaster? Or are we done here?
Sony would probably want them to continue since they did apparently acquire the rights to all of the adventure titles.
Of course, it would be up to Tim whether they'd want to. I'd like to see them do it, especially if they got the team leaders involved for the other projects (which they probably would, considering the fact they got a hold of Dave Grossman for Day of the Tentacle Remastered).
Such a shame that Roy Conrad is no longer with us. Would be amazing to hear his thoughts in the audio commentary...
Thank you, Double Fine!!!
Taller Ghost Walt
" next year's fantastic looking Double Fine Remastered"
Now that sounds really interesting ;-)
Ha, good catch. I wonder how you'd remaster an entire game studio. ;)
Now that sounds really interesting ;-)