
Zone bigs up the Telltale bling bling 23 Apr, 2005 / Comments: 4

Illustrious UK gaming magazine PC Zone have reviewed Telltale?s Texas Hold?em in their latest issue. Here?s what they had to say:
"Indeed, the real draw here is the quartet of quirky characters, none of which would look out of place in a triple-A LucasArts adventure... The closest you?ll ever get to Sam & Max 2... Insubstantial as it is, the charm here is irresistible."
This came with their patented Indie Game of the Month award, and an overall score of 75%. Not bad at all!


  • The Tingler on 23 Apr, 2005, 19:29…
    They've also got a demo on the coverdisc, which I've been playing constantly. I can't stand Poker, gambling, or Poker or Gambling computer games, and yet this one I'm playing non-stop with my top-end PC!

    The characters are downright hilarious.
    AAAANNND... I just found a Monkey Island in-joke! (Theodore to Harry -"That's the second biggest moustache I've ever seen!)
  • Gabez on 23 Apr, 2005, 20:46…
    Also - did you once write into PC Zone? Maybe it was Charlie Brooker's Sick Notes? I seem to remember one of the responses being "Shut up, or we'll let the world know why you're called 'The Tingler'" :)
  • The Tingler on 25 Apr, 2005, 10:37…
    Wow, you've got a better memory than PCZone! It was actually in Feedback, and I hold two accolades there (both, happily enough, with LucasArts games).

    1. Indy Infernal Machine - the only person ever to have the same letter printed TWICE (in two different issues).
    2. EFMI - the only person to have written a comment, then a follow-up letter apologising for overreacting (which was printed!). That's the one you remember - they said "we can tell you're a very nice and reasonable man. However, don't make this mistake again or we'll tell everyone why you're called 'The Tingler'.

    I doubt they'd get it right.
  • Gabez on 23 Apr, 2005, 20:45…
    Haha, well spotted. Don't suppose you could send me a screenshot so we can put it on the database?
