
You'll be able to get Sam and Max on Steam or GOG if you bought the game from Telltale (and you can have a discount on the remaster if you order now) 10 Nov, 2020 / 16 comments

The good news keeps rolling in. With Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space Sam and Max Save the World (aka Season One) getting that shiny remaster, you may be wondering how to get your hands on it or on the old game.

According to Skunkape, the rag-tag team of ex-Telltale people spitting on the old game and shining it, anyone with copies of the original game on GOG or Steam is eligible for a 50% discount for the remaster—just login to GOG or Steam to see the discount, which expires December 31st. So get on it.

Better, those of us who bought the game from the Telltale website and jealously guarding their HDs for fear of losing their old copies will be given a key for either Steam or GOG to keep the old game. That's still being set-up, but you can keep an eye on Skunkape's Twitter for news on that front (or Mojo a week later).

Source: Skunkape



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    Kroms on 12 Nov, 2020, 11:50…



    The Steam key from Telltale deal would be extra great if it meant I could also get the discount. I doubt it, but hey.

    Of course it means you can get the discount! That’s part of the point.

    Oh, cool! Thank you!


    A further expansion of thoughts; it occurs to me that the sort of people who pay for and enjoy old school "primitive" point and click adventure games are probably not the same crowd of people who bought and paid for fancy-pancy VR headsets (a gizmo at the forefront of the latest technology). The cynic in me can't help but think that releasing a property associated with old school adventure games on VR is a little bit like attempting to fit a square peg into an angry and obtuse round hole. I'm happy to be proven wrong but ehhhhhhh...

    I think that may have been true ten years ago, but times have (due to a variety of reasons) changed. Assuming the audience has remained the same niche, nostalgic little group...well, I realised after the remaster was announced that it's been longer between season one and now than it was between Hit the Road and season one. George Bush and Tony Blair were still heads of state when "Culture Shock" released.
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    Scummbuddy on 12 Nov, 2020, 04:07…


    ...the sort of people who pay for and enjoy old school "primitive" point and click adventure games are probably not the same crowd of people who bought and paid for fancy-pancy VR headsets...

    I'm a 37 year old Lucasbaby who bought the first Oculus headset during their steep discount and eagerly await this new Sam and Max game. But I can understand your side. :)

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    Rum Rogers on 11 Nov, 2020, 19:19…
    Where the hell is BadAsp?
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    Jake on 11 Nov, 2020, 18:20…


    The Steam key from Telltale deal would be extra great if it meant I could also get the discount. I doubt it, but hey.

    Of course it means you can get the discount! That’s part of the point.
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    St_Eddie on 11 Nov, 2020, 12:18…
    Still, I don't want to be overly negative. My ultimate view is that the remaster looks blooming marvelous and I hope that the VR game does well. All other thoughts are cynical waffle.
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    St_Eddie on 11 Nov, 2020, 11:59…
    A further expansion of thoughts; it occurs to me that the sort of people who pay for and enjoy old school "primitive" point and click adventure games are probably not the same crowd of people who bought and paid for fancy-pancy VR headsets (a gizmo at the forefront of the latest technology). The cynic in me can't help but think that releasing a property associated with old school adventure games on VR is a little bit like attempting to fit a square peg into an angry and obtuse round hole. I'm happy to be proven wrong but ehhhhhhh...
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    St_Eddie on 11 Nov, 2020, 11:52…
    Oh, and while I'm on the subject of Sam & Max; the new VR game looks fun but I don't use VR. I think that it's a fad; a gimmick destined to fad into obscurity. Still, if I did use VR, then Sam & Max would be the first title I'd download for sure. I hope that it does well, sales wise.
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    St_Eddie on 11 Nov, 2020, 11:46…
    I can't say that I was a massive fan of the Telltale Sam & max series, but the sheer love and attention that has been given to this remaster ensured that I pre-ordered it on GOG. The upgrade looks so damn good. I'm more than happy to give it another chance, with these revised new visuals.
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    Laserschwert on 11 Nov, 2020, 10:38…
    Also the Escapist livestream from last night showed a lot of gameplay from both the VR game and the remaster, while talking to Dan Connors, Mike Stemmle and Mike Levine:
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    Threepwood4life on 11 Nov, 2020, 08:19…
    Some new VR footage just got released
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    OzzieMonkey on 10 Nov, 2020, 21:42…



    You said Beyond Time and Space (AKA Season One) in the article instead of Save the World (AKA Season one). Just a heads up :p

    And you have AKA Season one written twice. Oh the endless irony!

    Nah I was just indicating how they wrote it versus how it should've been....but technically yes
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    Skinkie on 10 Nov, 2020, 21:16…


    You said Beyond Time and Space (AKA Season One) in the article instead of Save the World (AKA Season one). Just a heads up :p

    And you have AKA Season one written twice. Oh the endless irony!
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    Kroms on 10 Nov, 2020, 12:33…


    You said Beyond Time and Space (AKA Season One) in the article instead of Save the World (AKA Season one). Just a heads up :p

    And to think I'd been reading an essay on accuracy on news outlets just before. Thank you!
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    OzzieMonkey on 10 Nov, 2020, 12:15…
    You said Beyond Time and Space (AKA Season One) in the article instead of Save the World (AKA Season one). Just a heads up :p
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    JonesJr on 10 Nov, 2020, 11:17…
    Mojo a week later it is! Hooray for Mojo!
    Hopefully there is more than a week on that Twitter offer, but that is a risk I'm willing to take!
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    Kroms on 10 Nov, 2020, 10:41…
    The Steam key from Telltale deal would be extra great if it meant I could also get the discount. I doubt it, but hey.

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