
Whispering Rock gets an overhaul in Psychonauts 2 art test 09 Oct, 2016 / 3 comments

While Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp will not be a playable environment in Psychonauts 2, the team has recreated Raz's old stomping grounds in the new engine as a sort of sandbox for prototyping the sequel's gameplay and upgraded graphics. Check out the newly released video of Tim and project lead Zak McClendon playing this demo that we never shall.

Source: Youtube



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    OzzieMonkey on 16 Oct, 2016, 08:54…
    Man....if a remaster of the first one looked that good I'd be ok with them making it. In the meantime I still have to finish the original before 2 comes out, I got as far as the Milkman level if I recall...
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    AlfredJ on 13 Oct, 2016, 19:13…
    The animations are all still early days (as you know I think), but this is looking really good.

    I wouldn't mind it if they put this version of Whispering Rock as an extra unlock or something in the game (similarly to how the Broken Age lumberjack was originally just an art test, not meant for the final game).
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 13 Oct, 2016, 17:19…
    Whispering Rock looks amazing... That new falling animation for Raz, less so.

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