
When Magazines Click Better than Games 28 Jun, 2024 / 1 comment

Who reads anymore, right? Luckily, RETURN Magazin's latest issue is packed with glorious screenshots and custom character art from classic point-and-click adventure games. This special edition, touting no less than 154 pages, dives deep into the golden era of adventure gaming, featuring per-game-stylized articles, reviews, and retrospectives on iconic titles that shaped the genre.

You can expect lots of games covered here, including the Monkey Islands, Indiana Jones 3 and 4, Full Throttle and the others. And for the point-and-click connoisseur, feast your eyes on more exotic titles of the era such as Gabriel Knight and Phantasmagoria. To get a sneak peek, check out the review flip-through video below!

Reading in German might be a challenge for some, but nostalgia is universal and pricing is modest!


1 Comment

  • Avatar of the CEO
    Thrik on 28 Jun, 2024, 17:14…
    Wow, so nice to see such luxurious nostalgia in a magazine. Take note, publishing industry!

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