
We review Sam & Max Save the World Remastered 02 Dec, 2020 / 30 comments

Remember, remember the 2nd of December as the day Mojo posted a timely review. For the Switch, even, because we’re down with what the kids use.

Run and read our official Sam & Max Save the World Remastered review right now should you against all odds be on the fence about getting it. Read. It’s good for you.



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    St_Eddie on 12 Dec, 2020, 12:34…
    "It's precisely when humor is offensive that we need it most! Comedy should provoke. It should blast through prejudices, challenge preconceptions. Comedy should always leave you different than when it found you. Sure humor can hurt - even alienate - but the risk is better than the alternative; a steady diet of innocuous, child proof, flavorless mush. Demand to be challenged, to be offended, to be treated like thinking, reasoning adults! And raise your children to be the same! Don't let a comedian, a network, a congressional committee, or an evil genius take away your freedom to laugh at whatever you want!" ~ Duckman
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    Glo_kidd on 05 Dec, 2020, 18:48…



    See i actually think thats a modification of the joke, with bosco saying band-a-part its less on the nose making s&m saying sissypants more of a jab. to me thats a tweak to rely less on shock humor and more on the art of comedy. Its the type of change that 10 years of growth in comedic writing might inspire

    I just looked into this further and Skunkape Games have addressed it themselves...


    "That was due to a script inconsistency when we rerecorded Bosco, and we didn't notice the mistake until people pointed it out yesterday. We'll look into fixing it in an update."

    So, it's definitely not a purposeful change made in the growth of comedic writing. Still, at least they'll be looking into addressing the inconsistency via a patch, I guess.

    aww, thats too bad. it was definitely a happy accident then if you look within that context
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    St_Eddie on 05 Dec, 2020, 18:12…


    See i actually think thats a modification of the joke, with bosco saying band-a-part its less on the nose making s&m saying sissypants more of a jab. to me thats a tweak to rely less on shock humor and more on the art of comedy. Its the type of change that 10 years of growth in comedic writing might inspire

    I just looked into this further and Skunkape Games have addressed it themselves...


    "That was due to a script inconsistency when we rerecorded Bosco, and we didn't notice the mistake until people pointed it out yesterday. We'll look into fixing it in an update."

    So, it's definitely not a purposeful change made in the growth of comedic writing. Still, at least they'll be looking into addressing the inconsistency via a patch, I guess.
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    St_Eddie on 05 Dec, 2020, 17:49…


    See i actually think thats a modification of the joke, with bosco saying band-a-part its less on the nose making s&m saying sissypants more of a jab. to me thats a tweak to rely less on shock humor and more on the art of comedy. Its the type of change that 10 years of growth in comedic writing might inspire

    But Max's response doesn't make sense now. I also fail to see how this is a refinement in of the art of comedy?

    Original dialogue:

    It's the latest in BoscoTech inovation, it'll clear out a room of militant college students in no time, guaranteed.

    New dialogue:

    It's the latest in BoscoTech inovation, it'll clear out a room in no time, guaranteed.
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    Glo_kidd on 05 Dec, 2020, 17:42…
    Boscos new voice is a welcome upgrade from the mr t impression it was. I can get more of the changes like removing "foo" if I think of it like they are trying to make him more his own character not just bosco with Mr t's speech tics and filler words.

    Hell Ogie was Miles Morales, his breadth of work is quite impressive, look him up. Maybe they just had an oppertunity to work with him and made room for it.

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    Glo_kidd on 05 Dec, 2020, 17:28…


    So, it turns out that there's been a few alterations to the original dialogue as well. For example (from the Steam page)...

    Original dialogue:
    BOSCO: "You may call me Jean-Francois Sissypants, the cowardly French anarchist."

    New dialogue:
    BOSCO: "You may call me Jean-Francois Bonde-A-Part, the new wave French anarchist."

    Later on...

    Original dialogue:
    BOSCO: "...or my name is not Jean-Francois Sissypants."
    MAX: "But your name's not Jean-Francois Sissypants."

    New dialogue:
    BOSCO: "...or my name is not Jean-Francois Bonde-A-Part."
    MAX: "But your name's not Jean-Francois Sissypants."

    In their effort to be woke, Skunkape Games have made it so that the original joke no longer makes sense. It all seems a bit silly to me. Is the term "sissypants" really off limits in a Sam & Max game?

    See i actually think thats a modification of the joke, with bosco saying band-a-part its less on the nose making s&m saying sissypants more of a jab. to me thats a tweak to rely less on shock humor and more on the art of comedy. Its the type of change that 10 years of growth in comedic writing might inspire
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    St_Eddie on 05 Dec, 2020, 17:14…


    Is the term "sissypants" really off limits in a Sam & Max game?

    I should add; apparently not, because the word is still in the new version. Their censorship isn't even consistent.


    Here's a bunch of the other changes to dialogue...

    Episode 1

    Original dialogue:

    It's the latest in BoscoTech inovation, it'll clear out a room of militant college students in no time, guaranteed.

    New dialogue:

    It's the latest in BoscoTech inovation, it'll clear out a room in no time, guaranteed.

    Episode 2

    Original dialogue:

    Oh no, the Skinbodies are like Skinheads, but ten times worse!

    New dialogue:

    Oh no, the Skinbodies are like those horrible hairless cats, but ten times worse!

    They also changed the license plate of that car parked next to the DeSoto

    DRG DLR (drug dealer)

    RMS DLR (arms dealer, I guess?)

    And, in the other episodes, when you click on some objects, Max still has the old voice from episode 1 (unlike the original).

    Episode 5:

    They changed one of Bob's line

    Original dialogue:

    Take our complimentary goggles designed for special-needs children so that the little ones can play along.

    New Dialogue:

    Take our complimentary wide-fit goggles designed for playing while bicycling or enjoying full-contact sports!

    Original dialogue:

    It's 'cause everyone on the internet has to pick an avatar, like a dwarf or an orc or an hot young fifteen-year- old girl curious about the adult world and willing to experiment.

    New Dialogue:

    It's cause everyone on the internet has to pick an avatar, like a dwarf or an orc or a troll... But we've got enough trolls.

    Original dialogue:

    Half-elf, foo'!

    New dialogue:

    Half- elf, troll!

    Episode 6:

    Original dialogue:

    Max: A hundred trillion?! You crazy, foo'!

    Bosco: Look man, all I know is, I keep making up the most ridiculous price I can think of, and you keep paying it! So I ask you, who's the foo'?

    New dialogue:

    Look man, all I know is, I keep making up the most ridiculous price I can think of, and you keep paying it! So I ask you, who's the crazy one?

    Him saying "crazy" doesn't make sense, since Max called him a "fool".

    They also removed a lot of dialogue, such as:

    1-"Why the sex change"

    Sam: Mind telling us how you came to be a woman?

    Max: Did you use lasers, or just do it the old-fashioned way?

    Bosco: Are you sassin' me? Boy I'll whup your behind so hard you won't be able to see straight!

    Max: But I don't see out of my behind.

    Bosco: You will after I get through with you!

    2- "How's life as a woman?"

    Sam: So how are those BoscoTech breasts holdin' up?

    Bosco: Oh, these are all natural, honey.

    Max: I'm not gonna lie, I like 'em bosomy.

    Bosco: Oh, Max, you take after your father.

    Max: Okay, you just crossed the line, pal!

    Sam: Easy Max, theoretically, we have even more disturbed people to worry about right now.


    I always viewed the world of Sam & Max as a bit edgy; a dark underlying streak of humour for the adults, along with the deceptively cute dog and bunny for the kids. A lot of these changes all make the game seem a little bit toothless by comparison. The changes are not the end of the world (pun very much intended) but it is a shame, in my opinion, particularly when some of the alterations are being made in fear of offending... skinheads and militant college students?
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    St_Eddie on 05 Dec, 2020, 17:01…
    So, it turns out that there's been a few alterations to the original dialogue as well. For example (from the Steam page)...

    Original dialogue:
    BOSCO: "You may call me Jean-Francois Sissypants, the cowardly French anarchist."

    New dialogue:
    BOSCO: "You may call me Jean-Francois Bonde-A-Part, the new wave French anarchist."

    Later on...

    Original dialogue:
    BOSCO: "...or my name is not Jean-Francois Sissypants."
    MAX: "But your name's not Jean-Francois Sissypants."

    New dialogue:
    BOSCO: "...or my name is not Jean-Francois Bonde-A-Part."
    MAX: "But your name's not Jean-Francois Sissypants."

    In their effort to be woke, Skunkape Games have made it so that the original joke no longer makes sense. It all seems a bit silly to me. Is the term "sissypants" really off limits in a Sam & Max game?
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    Rum Rogers on 05 Dec, 2020, 16:45…


    Rum Rogers


    As devs they can do whatever they want, as customers we can decide to buy it or not. It's that simple.

    Yes, but as human beings we're also entitled to have an opinion about the changes which have been made.

    Sure, in fact I also stated that I don't agree and requested a refund. That's pretty much it though, isn't it? Isn't buying it or not the highest form of expressing your opinion as a customer?

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    St_Eddie on 05 Dec, 2020, 16:42…

    Rum Rogers


    As devs they can do whatever they want, as customers we can decide to buy it or not. It's that simple.

    Yes, but as human beings we're also entitled to have an opinion about the changes which have been made.

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    Rum Rogers on 05 Dec, 2020, 16:35…


    Because its their game. Their ideology and politics are obviously why they chose to recast Bosco, they don't have to cater to anyone. I'm sure they wanted to release a game that they were proud of and that they were comfortable being associated with. They are perfectly free to give a middle finger to those who don't want to buy their game and reading some of the people whining on Steam reviews - I wish they would.

    Totally with you on this. The forum threads and the aggressive content a real shame, the devs can do whatever they want with their game.

    I also don't see why they seem to take it personally, it's really just a matter of being pro readapting an intellectual work for political/ideological reasons or not.

    As devs they can do whatever they want, as customers we can decide to buy it or not. It's that simple.
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    Rum Rogers on 05 Dec, 2020, 16:29…


    It also gets contextualised. Besides, you have access to the original game. You're wrong on this one, I think.

    It was a tough choice (I was looking forward to playing it and had it preordered) and I'm not even sure it's the right one. As you said I might be plain wrong, or then again there might not actually be a right or wrong here.

    My refund request is just a vote against altering intellectual works (be they movies, videogames or any form of art in general) for the sake of adapting to the modern times and to the sensitivity of people.

    To me it's just like putting a pair of jeans to Michelangelo's David, like in that Simpsons episode.
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    bgbennyboy on 05 Dec, 2020, 16:16…


    If someone prefers the original Bosco voice, should they not be catered to, as a paying customer? Why should the developer's modern ideology and politics dictate what is and isn't appropriate for their customers, when re-releasing a legacy title?

    Because its their game. Their ideology and politics are obviously why they chose to recast Bosco, they don't have to cater to anyone. I'm sure they wanted to release a game that they were proud of and that they were comfortable being associated with. They are perfectly free to give a middle finger to those who don't want to buy their game and reading some of the people whining on Steam reviews - I wish they would.
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    St_Eddie on 05 Dec, 2020, 15:44…


    It also gets contextualised. Besides, you have access to the original game. You're wrong on this one, I think.

    The thing is that the original game doesn't have the remastered graphics. It's a bit like the Star Wars special edition releases, where Lucas begrudgingly included the laserdisc transfers for the original versions on the DVD release. If someone prefers the original Bosco voice, should they not be catered to, as a paying customer? Why should the developer's modern ideology and politics dictate what is and isn't appropriate for their customers, when re-releasing a legacy title?

    I personally don't mind that they changed the voice actor for Bosco, but that's rather beside the point. Wouldn't it have made sense to have included an option in the menu to switch between the original actor and the new one? That way, everyone is happy.
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    Kroms on 05 Dec, 2020, 15:22…

    Rum Rogers

    I'd hate a movie like Gone With The Wind being tweaked to omit the shameful racist stereotypes it depicts. It's part of the movie and that era, that movie is untouchable.

    It also gets contextualised. Besides, you have access to the original game. You're wrong on this one, I think.
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    Rum Rogers on 05 Dec, 2020, 12:00…
    I have mad respect for everyone's opinions, and I don't wanna argue with anyone (and I won't).

    That being said, I firmly believe that adjusting an intellectual work to the era it's being exposed to is dangerous and counterproductive: I'd hate a movie like Gone With The Wind being tweaked to omit the shameful racist stereotypes it depicts. It's part of the movie and that era, that movie is untouchable.

    And since I do consider video games as strong a creative medium as movies (if not even stronger), I applied the same logic to the Remaster and asked for a refund.
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    St_Eddie on 04 Dec, 2020, 17:49…


    All ridiculousness aside, wow!
    Looking forward to the next two remasters

    I hope the sales were good enough to justify remastering the next two seasons. I further hope, against all odds, that Skunkeape Games will be able to remaster Tales of Monkey Island too. That game could really shine, free of the nonsense 40MB Wii enforced filesize limit. However, getting the rights to do the remaster from The Mouse could be tricky.
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    St_Eddie on 04 Dec, 2020, 17:45…



    Nope, according to Remi, you are a racist.

    And there you were, being all non-divisive and taking the high-road for a moment. Oops. Comments like this don't help either, you know.

    True enough.

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    JonesJr on 04 Dec, 2020, 10:41…
    All ridiculousness aside, wow!
    So happy with the remaster!
    Not even halfway through the episode, but it is a beautiful job and the new voice just isn't a big deal.
    Two thoughts...
    1) Looking forward to the next two remasters
    2) Will there be any new adventures to follow (that don't require VR equipment that I don't own and am highly unlikely to buy)?
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 04 Dec, 2020, 10:07…


    Nope, according to Remi, you are a racist.

    And there you were, being all non-divisive and taking the high-road for a moment. Oops. Comments like this don't help either, you know.

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    St_Eddie on 04 Dec, 2020, 07:54…


    the new original sample quality is fat better than the compressed ones from the 2006 release.
    however the new bosco's voice is recorded with a harsh mic, you can clearly hear the difference with a good quality headphones. so i really appreciate the original's warmness.

    Nope, according to Remi, you are a racist.
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    kaysayva on 03 Dec, 2020, 20:37…
    the new original sample quality is fat better than the compressed ones from the 2006 release.
    however the new bosco's voice is recorded with a harsh mic, you can clearly hear the difference with a good quality headphones. so i really appreciate the original's warmness.
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    Glo_kidd on 03 Dec, 2020, 01:02…
    I will miss the old bosco voice but I would admit that any footage of the original vo saying the lines would be a little cringey in today's atmosphere.

    I will be damned if I'm going to let something so small effect my ability to love this game.

    Honestly it stopped being a thing that I noticed by the first time I exited Boscos.

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    JonesJr on 02 Dec, 2020, 23:53…


    From the review...

    "Should you, for whatever reason, have any issues with the recast [of Bosco], I’m sure Proud Boys has a warm seat open for you."

    Oh, come on now. That's a ridiculous thing to say. As though it would be completely unfathomable that anyone may not like that they changed the voice actor for Bosco for any other reason than being a vile, far-right neo-nazi. This binary way of thinking and ostracising anyone who doesn't agree with you or your politics, is largely why the world is in such a terrible state these days. For shame.

    Fair point, we've had that voice for years and that's what we've come to expect. Don't forget all the palaver when Sam's and Max's voices changed! And they didn't even replace them with a real dog or rabbit!! Has to be something-phobic for sure. Pretty sure we all adapted though, pretty sure we will again...
    Not to mention that the Proud Boys will be so upset when they see their leader!
    All of this aside lunacy aside, just finished downloading the game and looking forward to enjoying again for the first time. Without the PC BS and politics, if you please.

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    St_Eddie on 02 Dec, 2020, 23:37…
    From the review...

    "Should you, for whatever reason, have any issues with the recast [of Bosco], I’m sure Proud Boys has a warm seat open for you."

    Oh, come on now. That's a ridiculous thing to say. As though it would be completely unfathomable that anyone may not like that they changed the voice actor for Bosco for any other reason than being a vile, far-right neo-nazi. This binary way of thinking and ostracising anyone who doesn't agree with you or your politics, is largely why the world is in such a terrible state these days. For shame.
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    St_Eddie on 02 Dec, 2020, 23:28…
    I've played for a bit in order to compare to the original. First of all, this remaster is lovingly done. The graphics, lighting and rejigged camera angles are a big step up from the original release. The new Bosco sounds good too, though his new voice will take some getting used to.

    However, I do have a couple of nitpicks...

    1/ I personally prefer the original theme tune, which was much closer to the one featured in Hit the Road (the definitive Sam & Max game, for my money).

    2/ The mouse cursor has a weird lag to it. It feels like moving the cursor through treacle. I keep accidentally clicking on the wrong items in-game. I really hope that Skunkape Games will patch the mouse controls soon.

    On the whole though; yeah, great remaster.
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    Glo_kidd on 02 Dec, 2020, 18:34…
    Playing ep 1 of the remaster right now, first thing I really love is the change to comic text boxes when you mouse over objects. I also love how the new lighting and shading takes the roughness away from things like the bullet holes. I'm sure I'll have more to say as I go through lol. The new theme is excellent as well, I love me the old track too though
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 02 Dec, 2020, 16:52…
    Good gravy. How is this possible?!? :-O
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    Kroms on 02 Dec, 2020, 16:48…
    Accidental second exclamation marks are a sign of love.

    Also, I really like the new intro. Love the throwback.
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    Kroms on 02 Dec, 2020, 16:45…
    Good review. I really like the new UI! I just watched a bit of this and hummed along the menu theme. Can't wait to try it out!!

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