
Wanna see a 40 minute interview with Tim Schafer? 22 Apr, 2018 / 6 comments

Of course you do. And you're in luck, because that's just what was recorded at something called "EGX Rezzed 2018." I assume that's the name of an expo, though it may also be the model of dirt bike my nephew got for Christmas. For those of us who happened to be washing our hair during Tim's panel, here's a handy Youtube embed of the whole interview:

I haven't watched it myself yet, but reportedly Tim mentions the possibility of further LucasArts remasters, iterating once again that he'd insist on the original creators being involved. Hasn't Brian Moriarty been pretty upfront about wanting revisit Loom? Anyway, Tim evidently talks a bunch about Psychonauts as well, so it's sure to be a worthy listen all the way around.



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    Murray-Mint on 27 Apr, 2018, 11:22…
    I saw this live and was sat in the front row. It was awesome.
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    Call me Squinky on 24 Apr, 2018, 19:55…
    That was an enjoyable interview! That one guy who said "love you," that was pretty funny haha.
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    ThunderPeel2001 on 24 Apr, 2018, 13:27…


    that's logical. however my speculation was inspired from flesk's reply to a FT sequel thread on DF forums (

    he said: "It sounds like a great idea to make a spin-off/sequel featuring either Darrel or Maureen (or both as playable characters). It's not entirely up to DF though, but if Tim wants to and Disney are happy with the previous remasters (which it definitely looks like), maybe the time is right for an entirely new game. Doesn't hurt to hope for one at least. :)"

    Interesting discussion. I can't imagine DF working on a big new game they didn't own. Having the IP for all their creations has always been a big part of Tim Schafer's aims with DF, I think. It's understandable.
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    kaysayva on 22 Apr, 2018, 23:24…



    hey mojos, check out this new interview:

    tim mentions a secret game in the works...
    i dunno but i feel the thick smell of asphalt behind this.

    Pure speculation of course, but if I had to put money on it I'd say it's a Lee Petty game. Something completely new. I'm not sure if he's on Psychonauts 2 - I don't think I've seen him in any of the update videos? He's one of the longest-serving employees, and (from what I can tell), he's usually one of the leading team members when he's involved in a project. And Stacking and Headlander were both really strong (although I don't think Headlander every really got noticed).

    That, or a new Lucasarts remake. I'm not sure they sold well enough for Sony/Disney given the time/money involved, but if there's a chance they're doing another one I'm thinking it'll happen sooner rather than later, now that the connection between DF-Sony-Disney is still there. COMI is probably the most popular non-remade game left, but that's also the most expensive one to do any significant work on beyond what the recent rerelease provides. I think Sam & Max is still a good possibility. Always popular, still somewhat in the public consciousness thanks to Telltale, and Steve Purcell would be easy enough to convince (he's still regularly drawing new Sam & Max things on his facebook page, and he talked about trying to push himself to finish another comic during the last couple of years, so at least he's not tired of them right now). Giving that game a DOTT-style overhaul would actually be really cool, especially if Purcell is on hand to guide the new artstyle.

    I don't think it's reasonable to expect a sequel to one of the classics anytime soon. Even if it's a big name like Monkey Island, it'd be significantly more expensive and time consuming than remaking a classic, and these games just don't sell that well anymore. I would love it of course, but I also couldn't see Tim writing for both Psychonauts 2 and a story/dialogue-heavy sequel to one of his old adventure games at the same time. If any of those games would get a sequel now it would be one of the ones Tim worked on given their popularity, and if DF would handle one of those, Tim would be writing for it (even Monkey Island).

    Or maybe they're skipping the Sam & Max remake to go straight to a new game. No need to deal with Disney since it's Purcell's thing. What's Mike Stemmle doing these days? Or Chuck Jordan for that matter?

    Or Ron got over his 'Disney needs to sell me the rights'-excuse and he's working on a new Maniac Mansion right now. Come to think of it, Tim definitely seems to have adopted Ron's attitude towards ownership in this interview...

    Yes, I have too much time on my hands.

    that's logical. however my speculation was inspired from flesk's reply to a FT sequel thread on DF forums (

    he said: "It sounds like a great idea to make a spin-off/sequel featuring either Darrel or Maureen (or both as playable characters). It's not entirely up to DF though, but if Tim wants to and Disney are happy with the previous remasters (which it definitely looks like), maybe the time is right for an entirely new game. Doesn't hurt to hope for one at least. :)"
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    AlfredJ on 22 Apr, 2018, 19:49…


    hey mojos, check out this new interview:

    tim mentions a secret game in the works...
    i dunno but i feel the thick smell of asphalt behind this.

    Pure speculation of course, but if I had to put money on it I'd say it's a Lee Petty game. Something completely new. I'm not sure if he's on Psychonauts 2 - I don't think I've seen him in any of the update videos? He's one of the longest-serving employees, and (from what I can tell), he's usually one of the leading team members when he's involved in a project. And Stacking and Headlander were both really strong (although I don't think Headlander every really got noticed).

    That, or a new Lucasarts remake. I'm not sure they sold well enough for Sony/Disney given the time/money involved, but if there's a chance they're doing another one I'm thinking it'll happen sooner rather than later, now that the connection between DF-Sony-Disney is still there. COMI is probably the most popular non-remade game left, but that's also the most expensive one to do any significant work on beyond what the recent rerelease provides. I think Sam & Max is still a good possibility. Always popular, still somewhat in the public consciousness thanks to Telltale, and Steve Purcell would be easy enough to convince (he's still regularly drawing new Sam & Max things on his facebook page, and he talked about trying to push himself to finish another comic during the last couple of years, so at least he's not tired of them right now). Giving that game a DOTT-style overhaul would actually be really cool, especially if Purcell is on hand to guide the new artstyle.

    I don't think it's reasonable to expect a sequel to one of the classics anytime soon. Even if it's a big name like Monkey Island, it'd be significantly more expensive and time consuming than remaking a classic, and these games just don't sell that well anymore. I would love it of course, but I also couldn't see Tim writing for both Psychonauts 2 and a story/dialogue-heavy sequel to one of his old adventure games at the same time. If any of those games would get a sequel now it would be one of the ones Tim worked on given their popularity, and if DF would handle one of those, Tim would be writing for it (even Monkey Island).

    Or maybe they're skipping the Sam & Max remake to go straight to a new game. No need to deal with Disney since it's Purcell's thing. What's Mike Stemmle doing these days? Or Chuck Jordan for that matter?

    Or Ron got over his 'Disney needs to sell me the rights'-excuse and he's working on a new Maniac Mansion right now. Come to think of it, Tim definitely seems to have adopted Ron's attitude towards ownership in this interview...

    Yes, I have too much time on my hands.
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    kaysayva on 22 Apr, 2018, 13:59…
    hey mojos, check out this new interview:

    tim mentions a secret game in the works...
    i dunno but i feel the thick smell of asphalt behind this.

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