Yesterday, EA announced that anyone who has pre-ordered Star Wars: The Old Republic gets in early. In keeping with the spirit of the border-destroying internet that lives on in this MMO, different regions get different activation times: North Americans, you can start playing on December 13th. Those of you who pre-ordered in Europe get in on December 15th. Pre-orders also get you a whole month of "free" playtime ("free" apart from buying the thing, obviously), after which a monthly subscription is required. The game goes on sale on December 20th.
Games-industry favourite Bobby Kotick gives his much-wanted opinion on the financial odds and ends of The Old Republic here. His objectivity on the issue allows him to provide some searing insights. I'm just glad Reuters quoted the one man in the industry who doesn't make money off of World of Warcraft, and who has nothing to lose should The Old Republic - supposedly the most expensive game ever made - should succeed in the highly-competitive, but notoriously exclusive world of MMOs.
Source: Gamespy
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