
VGA Awards and POTC Trailer 13 Dec, 2010 / 6 comments

Double Fine's Costume Quest picked up 'Best Downloadable Game' in the VGA awards, beating hot contenders Monday Night Combat, Scott Pilgrim: The Game, and Lara Croft's Sexy Horse Spleen Fun Time.

In other news, the new Pirates of the Caribbean trailer has been unleashed. This is notable because the film is based on the Disneyland ride of the same name, and the Tim Powers book, On Stranger Tides: both of these were inspirations for the Monkey Island series. The trailer has mermaids in it. Hello!

Source: Melancholick



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    The Tingler on 15 Dec, 2010, 02:21…
    Looks interesting, if a bit low-budget. Nothing particularly blockbuster movie-like seems to happen in it. It could've been for a new Pirates TV series for all I know.

    Still, mermaids! Zombies! Blackbeard!
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    elTee on 14 Dec, 2010, 10:26…
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    Melancholick on 14 Dec, 2010, 04:36…
    "And what they did to Rush? He looks awful."

    They did reanimate his corpse in the second movie, maybe he's undergoing a LeChuck-style decomposition. It would explain where his leg went.
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    Scummbuddy on 14 Dec, 2010, 00:28…


    Woah, just watched the trailer for POTC4, and it looks wicked! It could end up being the best one!

    Well, it helps to have a movies storyline ready before starting filming, so this film will already be better than the 2nd and 3rd.
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    Ascovel on 14 Dec, 2010, 00:11…
    Weak trailer - feels like a generic adventure movie with zero style. And what they did to Rush? He looks awful.
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    OzzieMonkey on 13 Dec, 2010, 23:26…
    Woah, just watched the trailer for POTC4, and it looks wicked! It could end up being the best one!

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