
Updated: The Next Telltale Series Could Be is Game of Thrones 08 Dec, 2013 / 5 comments

According to IGN, they have received reports from multiple unnamed sources that Telltale is working on a episodic series based on Game of Thrones.

As IGN points out, it would be a perfect fit, as the Game of Thrones books tell the story from a perspective of a different character in each chapter, similar to how Telltale's 400 Days was handled.

This is just a rumor though, and as such should be taken with a grain of salt. When IGN contacted Telltale Games for confirmation, Steve Allison, Telltale's senior vice president of marketing stated, “We get these sorts of rumors about what we could be working on next cropping up all the time. Officially we have no comment.”

JP Update: Confirmed by Telltale on facebook.

Source: IGN



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    Jason on 26 Nov, 2013, 16:20…


    Sigh. I'm still waiting for a new sam&max, mi, bttf, wallace&gromit instead. I like original concepts; But it looks like I wont be satisfied.

    None of the above are original concepts. I do think we'll eventually get another Sam & Max, though Telltale revisiting the others seems unlikely to me.
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    DanSky on 26 Nov, 2013, 14:32…
    Sigh. I'm still waiting for a new sam&max, mi, bttf, wallace&gromit instead. I like original concepts; But it looks like I wont be satisfied.
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    elTee on 25 Nov, 2013, 18:25…
    Interesting idea, this has potential. But if they were to do this like the TV show - which I presume would be the most profitable approach(?) - they may have to tone the nudity down a bit...
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    Jason on 23 Nov, 2013, 18:53…
    Bizarre! It would seem redundant to re-adapt the story, so would this just concern some random peeps in Westeros? There's also a metric ton of compelling backstory they could depict.
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    Kroms on 22 Nov, 2013, 08:35…
    Despite being a heavy duty fan of the books* and unchanging Telltale supporter both, I never imagined this. It's a surreal collision of worlds.

    I always saw Telltale as a more quirky-comfy company; they'd adapt Discworld, not feudal Europe-inspired mayhem.

    If this is true: good luck. I'm pretty curious.

    * Have not seen the show.

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