You know the deal, here's the Kickstarter page - $150,000 needed (~$40,000 at the time of writing).
Of special interest is this:
Additionally, for this game we are reaching out to the Wing Commander, X-wing vs. TIE and Galactic Battlegrounds modding communities to give them a chance to contribute to a commercial product.
So, not only a chance to fund, but also a chance for modders to work on the game.
Good luck, maybe this will also inspire Larry Holland, who is the person most associated with the Star Wars Space Combat Simulator legacy.
Edit: If you don't want to wade through the screeds of text on the Kickstarter page, Gaming Union have just posted this interview with Garry M. Gaber regarding the game.
Update: The game just squeezed over the funding goal, so we can expect a new space combat simulator to come out sometime next year(?).
Source: Kickstarter
Used to love that crap, ZZT OOP, the only programming language I ever learned.
Pretty smart move on my part to only learn how to program in a language that was already 8 years dead when I got interested.
Good times. I made a ZZT Indiana Jones game once, so this is relevant, see?