Not that any of us really forgot, but it's a sobering reminder of how trying being an adventure game developer must be to know that even game ideas that publishers like are rejected on the basis of genre. Such was apparently the case of a proposal Bill Tiller shopped around to no avail at some point in the recent past. Accompanying [a large piece of] a lovely painting of a freighter called the Lisa Marie crashing into a harbor, Bill writes:
Concept art from a game proposal, lots of publishers like it but dont want risk any money on adventure games. Guess we'll have self fund it.
Turn the record over and tell us something uplifting, Bill! Still, a sliver of hope at the end there. Hopefully Year One will strike a chord with gamers and enable Autumn Moon to make all the games about vampires, ghost pirates, robot assassins, and rust-covered vessels that we can handle.
Source: Bill Tiller's Twitter
Jones Jr
I think the ship is actually called the "Lisa Marie"
Quite right, and fixed.
That's the cynical side of me speaking, of course.
Hint Bill: go digital download only. It'll work out better in the long run. And the short run, come to think of it.
It'd still need funding though, no matter how it's published. ¬
The Tingler
Not another bloody game proposal Bill!
Hint Bill: go digital download only. It'll work out better in the long run. And the short run, come to think of it.
And if you can't trust The Tingler, a seasoned veteran with 25 years of senior-level game production experience, who can you trust?
Hint Bill: go digital download only. It'll work out better in the long run. And the short run, come to think of it.