
Tim Schafer plays Day of the Tentacle! (part 1) 10 May, 2014 / 2 comments

Watch as Tim sits down to play a game he hasn't played in over a decade:

Thanks to forum dweller Alexrd for the heads up! The video was originally released back in June 2012 as bonus content for the Kickstarter documentary.

Source: Youtube



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    manny_c44 on 13 May, 2014, 14:38…
    It was funny how Schafer was calling Grossman a 'smarty pants' for his jokes-- I always laughed when Bernard starting defining torque when you examined the pulley on the flagpole.
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    Vladik841 on 12 May, 2014, 05:31…
    It was back in 1994, i was 14 years, going to high school. I was ill for 1 week and i got this game that time. I played it home for 5 days almost 24 hours a day and finished it in those 5 days. Back then, no internet, no hints etc ;) One of my top 3 ever games.

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