
Tiller spills more Vampyre blood dirt 06 Oct, 2007 / Comments: 3

Adventure Gamers has added a brand spankin' new interview with Bill Tiller who's preparing to unleash his beautiful looking graphic adventure on the world.
Well, we designed so much of the game and then the story became so big that we realized we are probably going to have to make three games to tell the whole story. The budget and the time we have are also much shorter than we had at LucasArts, so we have to do it that way. It isn't episodic like the Bone or Sam & Max games. I think A Vampyre Story is probably a good size, about Full Throttle size. And it'll feel more like how The Lord of the Rings had been divided up into three books, or like Star Wars. It's an epic story so it just makes more sense to tell it in three games.

Take a look for yourself.

Source: Adventure Gamers



  • MrSneeze on 06 Oct, 2007, 17:57…
    No matter how good or bad this game is, I'm definitely going to be biased when it comes out. Can I review it? >:D
  • Haggis on 06 Oct, 2007, 10:07…
  • Gabez on 06 Oct, 2007, 10:20…
    Someone give this man hosting!