
The pirate god will rise next month! 18 Nov, 2009, 20:33 / 18 comments

It's official, Rise of the Pirate God will be coming to your poxed computers next month. December 8th to be exact.

Update by Kroms: You can now buy individual chapters off the Telltale store. Also, notice the "Tales of Monkey Island Season One". One. Like the number preceding five in 2015.



  • haydenwce27 on 20 Nov, 2009, 04:21…
    New Purcell concept art, new Purcell concept art!
  • Giygas on 20 Nov, 2009, 21:51…

    So when are they going to make a game out of the movie?
  • Radogol on 20 Nov, 2009, 15:05…
    Man, this movie would have been insane. Behemoth of a Thousand Monkeys?
  • Sp0tted on 19 Nov, 2009, 01:14…
    Meaning Sam and Max is coming out first... please?
  • Icebox on 19 Nov, 2009, 02:18…
    Shh. The snakes might hear you say that.
  • Jake on 18 Nov, 2009, 22:57…
    For what its worth "Season One" is something the store backend appends to every game series name. You'll notice it also features "Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Season One" and "Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures Season One." Left over from when we just had "Sam & Max" and the scripts could append "Season One" and "Season Two" to the end. Hardcoding's revenge.
  • Kroms on 19 Nov, 2009, 15:59…
    Yeah, but I just put it on there as a little sidenote. I figured it'd be either hardcoding, or you guys very intentionally putting it on there as a...I dunno, a joke.
  • AlfredJ on 18 Nov, 2009, 20:55…
    Glad to see they had the guts to delay the game a bit. I want this game to be as good as it can be.
  • Kroms on 18 Nov, 2009, 21:06…
    What he said.
  • Narrative on 18 Nov, 2009, 22:53…
  • The Tingler on 18 Nov, 2009, 23:53…
    Yep, that's what I was thinking too.
  • Udvarnoky on 19 Nov, 2009, 00:49…
    Was the month of November ever officially scheduled for the game's release in the first place?
  • SurplusGamer on 19 Nov, 2009, 10:09…
    I think the release of episode 4 made people nervous - no review copy until release day, released on the last possible day of the month, actual release date announced really late...

    ... sometimes it seemed as if they were desperate to get it out last month but didn't see that confident about getting it finished. Likely it was more complicated than that, but that's the sort of impression that it gave.
  • jp-30 on 19 Nov, 2009, 02:43…
    People have been taking "monthly episodes" (which I'm pretty sure ToMI was touted as) to mean one episode per calendar month.
  • Sp0tted on 19 Nov, 2009, 12:51…
    Besides, for every day it is late they promised to add 10 minutes to the gameplay. According to a source I just made up in my head.
  • The Tingler on 19 Nov, 2009, 05:45…
    Steam's still saying November, and always has done.
  • haydenwce27 on 19 Nov, 2009, 15:23…
    Don't listen to steam. They've been giving false release dates all season long.
  • The Tingler on 20 Nov, 2009, 05:21…
    Those dirty liars!