
The magic number 26 Apr, 2007 / Comments: 4

How many Telltale interviews can we post news about in a single day? The answer is three!

This one comes from the San Francisco Chronicle, and you can see it here. Watch Steve Purcell be cool, Emily be all laid back and relaxed, and Dave talk about episodic gaming, not blinking. He has no time to blink. He has to make more games! And possibly a weekly poem too.

Tim Schafer and Scott Campbell are also present. "I like the APE show," says Tim with a smile.

Conclusion: the next Double Fine game will be about apes... as in monkeys... as in Monkey Island!

Source: Telltale blog



  • MrSneeze on 26 Apr, 2007, 02:14…
    Err, I musta missed the part where they say Double Fine are making the next MI game. Was that somewhere floating in the background, or some transparent subtitles you're only able to see if you're really drunk or on serious medication?
  • MrSneeze on 26 Apr, 2007, 02:15…
    What date's this again? It's not the 1st of April again, is it?
  • MrSneeze on 26 Apr, 2007, 02:17…
    Hrumph... I just realised it was a syllogism of a sort. Never do that again! You nearly gave me a heart attack!
  • jp-30 on 26 Apr, 2007, 07:08…
    "Sam, please don't say syllogism"