The Wolf Among Us, Telltale's five part episodic series based on Bill Willingham's Fables, is now available to pre-order on Steam and at Telltale's revamped online store.
Adding to the good news is that the collector's discs have returned. If you pre-order it from Telltale's site you will be eligible to receive a DVD containing the entire season plus some extras after the season has completed, for just the cost of shipping.
Do you actually need to pre-order to get the DVD? Doesn't any season order from tellatale site get it, even after release of the first few episodes?
I'm not sure, but there will probably be a physical release anyway, if the game does well.
My interest in Telltale faded quickly now that Jake and Famous have left...
I know what you mean. But I am pretty excited to play this game, and if it's half as good as Walking Dead then I will still be paying close attention to TTG.