
Test Psychonauts... For Free! 28 Apr, 2004, 00:57 / Comments: 15

According to today's Double Fine Action News, testers are urgently needed for Psychonauts to get the game ready for E3. If you live in the SF Bay Area and can get to the Double Fine offices, this could be your chance to get in on some Psychonauts goodness.


  • choucroute (garnie) on 01 May, 2004, 06:02…
    Ok, so remixor, since you rule the world, where's muscleman's helmet on the thirth panel of DFACn?44?

    You don't know I bet, usurper!
  • RumRogerz on 01 May, 2004, 02:32…
    I got my tickets!
  • remixor on 30 Apr, 2004, 04:01…
    And I make my second appearance in the Double Fine Action News, and now it's named after me. Oh man, I rule you all.
  • Bobo Donkey? on 04 May, 2004, 04:27…
    Nobody rules me. I rule myself.
  • NuclearOctopus on 30 Apr, 2004, 21:06…
    you dirty old man! What the hell is the game like? DISH OUT THE INFO! SCREW NDA'S!
  • netmonkey on 30 Apr, 2004, 20:12…
    I ares jel0s of remix0r
  • QueZTone on 28 Apr, 2004, 07:40…
    Do they need a tester for the DUTCH version perhaps?
  • Bobo Donkey? on 28 Apr, 2004, 08:56…
    What about the SCOTTISH version, oh wait... I dont have an X-Box. Oh well.
  • remixor on 28 Apr, 2004, 05:33…
    Thursday is my first day. I AM AWESOME.
  • warmgun on 28 Apr, 2004, 01:18…
    man, i wish i lived in san francisco.
  • Jayel on 28 Apr, 2004, 02:24…
    same here. People living in San Francisco seems to get everything.
  • warmgun on 28 Apr, 2004, 03:49…
    well, they get huge earthquakes there. 14.5 on the richter scale i hear tell. and they have those wierd roads. not to mentoin the coldest winters mark twain has ever experienced. and don't forget they've got the governator. ooh! and when the west coast falls into the ocean, they'll be the first to go. but i'd take it all just for a couple of hours with pychonauts and a backrub from tim!
  • Bobo Donkey? on 30 Apr, 2004, 12:45…
    I wouldn't mind living there.
    It'd sure beat the crap out of living here in Scotland. Just look at this website below and you'll see why.
  • Jayel on 29 Apr, 2004, 16:38…
    Small price to pay...
  • Bc9b on 28 Apr, 2004, 17:16…
    kill joy