
Telltale talks independent development 30 May, 2007, 19:29 / 0 comments

YouGamers sat down with Kevin Bruner of Telltale and Matias Myllyrinne of Remedy Entertainment to discuss the perks and challenges of being a small developer in today's climate:
Kevin Bruner acknowledges the changing playing patterns and audience expectations, and has a solution. "One of the things that is great about episodic games is that pretty much everybody finishes the game." This is rewarding for not just the customers but the developer as well: "Every customer sees all the content that you built for them, so it's really satisfying from the developer's point of view." In traditional game design, "the worst position in the gaming business is being the second to last level designer." Games are so big that most people only see one-third or half the game before running out of time or interest. The few that finish the game plow through the last levels just to get to the end.
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