
Telltale soon to announce Mac releases of its library? (Update: Like, real soon?) (Update: Like now!) (PS: Free for PC version owners!) 11 Feb, 2010, 19:36 / 28 comments

Aside from a no longer available port of Out from Boneville by Vanbrio Entertainment, Telltale's catalog has never been naively available for Macintosh despite a sizable amount of requests over the years. Based on this rumor, however, Mac users may not have to rely on Boot Camp for their Telltale fixes much longer:
We have it from a very reliable, confidential source that Telltale Games may be planning to release its entire lineup of games to Macintosh very soon, possibly next month (February 2010).

The timing is perfect to coincide with the upcoming MacWord 2010, taking place February 9 through 13, 2010, at the Moscone Center in in San Francisco, CA (USA). An official announcement likely won’t be made until then.
I reckon we'll know for certain in the coming months, but it's sure looking like Telltale's long running claim of wanting to expand to as many platforms as possible wasn't just a lot of talk!

Update by Kroms: Crazy Telltale forum user natlinxz has found this little thing, although it's still not completely up yet. In their own words, "Whoah, looks like my years of making up URLs paid off!" Click on the words little thing to see what they're talking about.

Update 2 by Gabez: The Telltale Police have since pulled that Mac site, but it did confirm that Tales of Monkey Island, as well as the Sam & Max series, was coming to Mac, and that there would be some special deals in which you can buy bundles of games for a good price for a limited time only. Presumably the site will be announced officially soon.

Update 3 by Remster: Aaaaand it's official!

Update 4 by Kroms: Tales of Monkey Island is already available; vote for the next Mac port from that last link.

Update 5 by ATMachine: According to Telltale, if you purchase (or have already bought) the PC version of one of their games, you will automatically be able to play the Mac version of that game for free!

Which means that Monkey Island fans who bought Tales on a PC but really want to play it on a Mac can do so RIGHT NOW. For FREE. Isn't it great?

(And if you want the same deal for your other favorite Telltale series, do be sure and vote on which one should be ported next.)


  • deadworm222 on 14 Feb, 2010, 17:56…
    The Mac demo doesn't seem work - it says that the dmg file is corrupt.
  • clone2727 on 11 Feb, 2010, 23:26…
    Btw, Adventure Gamers reports that Launch of the Screaming Narwhal has Earl Boen doing LeChuck's voice!
  • Keon on 11 Feb, 2010, 21:50…
    Currently backing up my windows partition (just in case), then I can finally banish xp from my macbook forever, mwuhahaha!

    I wonder if you can transfer saved games from the windows versions?
  • Kroms on 11 Feb, 2010, 22:24…
    It's important to stress that the only game that is currently out on Mac is Tales of Monkey Island. You can vote for the next port on the page Remi linked to.
  • Kroms on 11 Feb, 2010, 20:40…
    Awesome that the Windows code still works.
  • Kroms on 11 Feb, 2010, 20:41…
    To clarify: that you don't need to re-buy the games. You own 'em on Windows, you own 'em on Mac. Plans are to include both versions on DVDs from now on.

    Nice. Very nice.
  • clone2727 on 11 Feb, 2010, 21:15…
    I love you Telltale!
  • Sebastian.Zissou on 11 Feb, 2010, 19:24…
    Right now, the TOMI links at My Games are including a new Mac Download button!
  • V_Ben on 11 Feb, 2010, 19:23…
    telltale has now made it official guys, check the website!
  • xgfx on 10 Feb, 2010, 10:32…
    fricking finally! at last, I can banish Windows from my life forever.
  • Macfly77 on 12 Jan, 2010, 16:09…
    Not sure how reliable their source is, but I find it funny that they refer to a forum comment left by Emily on January 28, 2007 and that they doubt Emily's relationship with Telltale (as she is described as formerly of the Telltale Team on the forum).
  • clone2727 on 12 Jan, 2010, 05:04…
    I think this is just an excuse to use the Mac category icon again :P

    Naively available? They've been guiltily available I guess!
  • DrMcCoy on 12 Jan, 2010, 03:40…
    Can we have a Linux release too, please? :)
  • Snugglecakes on 12 Jan, 2010, 00:08…
    I'm not a mac man myself but there can be no denying that this is fantastic news. Well done Telltale, once again! Is it just me or is Telltale the coolest company in the whole world right now?
  • ocki on 10 Jan, 2010, 22:16…
    This is fantastic news!
    Hope they'll keep up the Mac releases closer to the PC releases!
  • neon_git on 10 Jan, 2010, 19:52…
    I'm not a Mac person, but hooray for everyone that is :)
  • jmartin on 10 Jan, 2010, 17:03…
  • Ascovel on 10 Jan, 2010, 10:57…
    Telltale is ubiquitous!
  • woxel1 on 10 Jan, 2010, 08:54…
    I really hope my serials for Sam & Max carry over seeing that I bought into that giganto bundle from last April. In any case, go Telltale!
  • woxel1 on 11 Feb, 2010, 20:45…
    You rock Telltale!
  • BloodnoseThePirate on 10 Jan, 2010, 04:03…
    yes! you have no idea how much trouble ive been going through just to get the tomi demo to work on my mac! wooo!
  • tfarr on 10 Jan, 2010, 02:56…
    Awesome! It would be neat if our serial numbers would work and we just need to download the games again.
  • Keon on 10 Jan, 2010, 02:25…
    Great news, but I wonder how much they'll charge for people who have already purchased the Windows version of their games?
  • V_Ben on 10 Jan, 2010, 00:30…
    yeah baby :-) now i don't have to switch over to play them :P
  • Sp0tted on 10 Jan, 2010, 00:13…
    I say wait even longer to announce it. Mac users should be punished for buying an inferior gaming machine. ;-)
  • Sp0tted on 10 Jan, 2010, 00:14…
    On a related note: is Brutal Legend out on Wii yet?
  • Jaws on 09 Jan, 2010, 20:36…
    Yes, yes, YES!
  • black_sheep on 09 Jan, 2010, 20:22…
    Dude, finally.