
Telltale forum chat at Adventure Europe 21 Nov, 2005, 00:53 / Comments: 9

According to a tipoff on the Telltale Games forum, they are due to appear on Monday 21 November at the Adventure Europe's Developer Conference to partake in a chat session via messageboard.

The schedule has them slotted in Monday 21st November 21:00 until 23:00 GMT alongside Herculean Effort, Himalaya Studios/AGDI, and Totem Games.

The big question is whether Bad-Brain's Wolfgang Kierdorf will be putting in an appearance to dazzle us all with some more (made-up) on the spot news. So far it looks like we're out of luck on that front.

Update: The chat's now over, but you can read all the questions and answers here.

Source: Adventure Europe



  • Scummbuddy on 22 Nov, 2005, 01:06…
    Heather seemed like a nice person to use as a public relations forum poster. Not so much new information, but it was a nice thing of TellTale to come and participate in. Even if they had to put up with some fanboys.
  • jp-30 on 22 Nov, 2005, 01:20…
    I think they're really at the point where there's no more information to give. They're pretty upfront with everything over on their forums. Sam & Max is still in brainstorming mode / pre-production so there aren't too many specifics available yet.

    CSI they've started with and have confirmed most (but not all) the TV series cast is voicing and that it's First Person.

    And Bone 2 is underway...

    The same old gripes come up "I want a box, Bone 1 was too expensive for the play time, don't make Sam & Max episodic" - good to see they're still responding with grace and courtesy to these same old questions. :)
  • Gabez on 22 Nov, 2005, 01:11…
    Yeah, I like Heather a lot... kind of like Wanda or whatever her name was for LEC but with less "who's Remi?" and more "I love you all"

    I'm actually quite impressed that the whole forum chat time slot thing worked; it sounded a bit weird to me at first.
  • Gabez on 22 Nov, 2005, 01:15…
    Oh, and it's good to hear that Bone has sold satisfyingly well and that it may be released on CD at some point... I don't mind digital distribution but it would be nice to have a physical option as well for those who want it.
  • Udvarnoky on 22 Nov, 2005, 01:32…
    I suspect that even many of the people who claim to want a physical copy won't be satisfied if and when Telltale offers it. It's not like it will be anything but a CD and maybe a DVD case, and I predict complaining about a lack of random goodies or a bigger box, things they probably wouldn't have gotten from a company made of money anyway.
  • jp-30 on 22 Nov, 2005, 02:18…
    Although, from that page that got sent out mistakenly a week or two back it looks like there's a bundle in the works with plenty of, err, related media. Nod, Nod, Wink, Wink.

    Heather also hinted at this today.
  • Udvarnoky on 22 Nov, 2005, 20:48…
  • Scummbuddy on 22 Nov, 2005, 02:50…
    What you talking 'bout, JP?
  • jp-30 on 22 Nov, 2005, 03:21…
    That Telltale are preparing to sell a "bundle" that may or may not include some of the non-software products in their current store, and may or may not include software on a physical medium.

    Or not.