
Telltale Games Story Mode: A Telltale Documentary 12 Nov, 2015 / 2 comments

Complex has produced a thirty minute Telltale Games documentary called Telltale Games: Story Mode.

It's a really interesting watch, and includes a lot of information about their founding and early days. We even get some new information on Sam & Max: Freelance Police. Apparently, it was already episodic by the time it was cancelled. They had finished one episode already, and were working on finishing up another one when it was cancelled, and the producers on the game were then brought into a meeting where they were told the financial reasons why the digital distribution and episodic model wouldn't work. And, thus, they left to prove them wrong.

There's also a lot of other interesting tidbits in there, so if you're interested, watch it embedded below, or here if the embedding doesn't work for you.



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    Rum Rogers on 17 Nov, 2015, 19:08…
    Cool, my "Guybrush looks great" thread will live forever.
    Those were the times.
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    Jason on 16 Nov, 2015, 16:21…
    It actually was known at the time, though maybe not widely reported, that Sam & Max 2 was episodically structured into six separate cases. The story I'd heard was that the team had even pitched digital distribution, but that was a little too radical for LEC, so management insisted on a traditional boxed release, with the possibility of additional downloadable cases later on.

    Love the anecdote about the stuffed shirt from Kellog coming into the board room to lecture everyone about why digital distribution was a non-starter. I still remember that ominous online survey that was put out in December of 2003 that focused on digital distribution and Sam & Max. It utterly smacked of third party marketing firm hired to have preconceptions validated.

    This was a well put together little doc. Nice to know what Kim Lyons looks like. And check out the Sam & Max forums getting immortalized!

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