
Teenage blonde actress gets to pitch MI movie at best possible time, screws it up 08 Jul, 2010 / 2 comments

Heard of Lisa Foiles? Me neither, but while a teenage actress she worked for Nickelodean, and while there she had the opportunity all of us dream of - to be able to pitch a Monkey Island movie to a big Hollywood film executive who could make it happen. More than that, it was at the exact time pirates had just become popular again thanks to a certain Jack Sparrow, so the timing was never better.

She screwed it up, obviously.

This quote stood out for me:

"I have no idea why, but people actually listened to me."

I don't want to be mean Lisa, but, well, you look like this. There's a reason people listened to you. I would listen to you too (admittedly now that I know you're a big Monkey Island fangirl as well I really want to listen to you).

The end result: no Monkey Island movie. Again. Nevermind Lisa, the guy sounded like a dick anyway. (And the art Kotaku used was utterly kickass incidentally)

Source: Kotaku



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    daltysmilth on 08 Jul, 2010, 17:07…
    All I can say is this: Hey Telltale, I think we've found an actress for Tales Of Monkey Island Season 2.
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    PirateKingChris on 08 Jul, 2010, 05:11…
    Ha! Where'd you stumble across this, Tingler? I saw this on twitter today, as I follow the aforementioned Lisa Foiles. My crush is increased.

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