
TTG launches a Narwhal onto the iPad... 15 Dec, 2010 / 3 comments

... confused iPad owners ask, "Where the hell are the four remaining episodes of Sam & Max?"

It's kind of an odd move, isn't it? After only releasing one episode of The Devil's Playhouse, what is to suggest that the same won't happen with Tales of Monkey Island?

Anyway, if you're a sucker like me, you can download "Launch of the Screaming Narwhal" from iTunes for $6.99, then keep your fingers crossed that the four remaining episodes will be released also. Odds are dim if history is anything to go by, although TTG claims we'll see more next year.

(Oh, also only one episode of Wallace & Gromit is available on the iPad. Is this all part of... Image)



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    The Tingler on 16 Dec, 2010, 01:34…
    Continuing Telltale's "everything but the 360" policy I see! I kid, but it does seem rather an odd move. The two special editions of MI did pretty well on 360 from what I gather, so releasing TMI on there would be a good play.

    And yes, where's Sam & Max? Did the other Wallace & Gromit episodes make it either?
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    Capn_Nacho on 15 Dec, 2010, 20:50…


    The cover up image is back! Yay!

    I'm pumped!
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    clone2727 on 15 Dec, 2010, 17:16…
    The cover up image is back! Yay!

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