
Strong Bad on disc, next month 10 Feb, 2009, 04:54 / 4 comments

According to USA today Strong Bad's Cool Game for Atractive People will be released on disc next month (that's March), and as far as I can tell it's only coming to Wii for the time being. No PC version on disc as of yet.

Hey, did you know that everytime someone says "no PC version", somewhere in the world, a PC pirate dies? True fact.

Update: "Wii-only disc version" is not a solid fact. It's just what I made-out to be implied in the linked article.

Update 2: Emily clears-up a bit. "I haven't read the story yet, but I can say with certainty he's talking about the collector's DVD from Telltale's website.

March is a possible timeframe, but as always, it's done when it's done. We'll put it up in the store when we're the DVD's completion is comfortably in sight." Awesome. Thanks Emily!

Source: USA Today



  • fov on 10 Feb, 2009, 15:05…
    I haven't read the story yet, but I can say with certainty he's talking about the collector's DVD from Telltale's website.

    March is a possible timeframe, but as always, it's done when it's done. We'll put it up in the store when we're the DVD's completion is comfortably in sight.

    Now I'll go read that story. Thanks for the link!
  • Udvarnoky on 10 Feb, 2009, 14:33…
    All it says is "There's a disc coming out next month." For all we know it could be referring to the Telltale-exclusive CD for the PC.
  • jp-30 on 10 Feb, 2009, 11:00…
    When I read that, I thought "Oh, there's a PC version coming to retail, and they've just misinterpreted the info".

    I still think that, actually.

    I think Wiiware is a much better channel for this sort of game (for the wii) than disc.
  • The Tingler on 10 Feb, 2009, 09:16…
    I would've thought they would multiple by ten rather than die.