
Strong Bad is cool with the PS3 and Mac 08 Dec, 2010 / 2 comments

Telltale tells us Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People is heading to PSN (December 21st) and Mac (soon!). That's great, really, as it's now available for pretty much every major gaming platform.

Other than the 360 that is.

And not to get too Tingler here, but it'd be nice to see TTG release some more games for that platform too. I'd buy 'em!



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    Remi on 09 Dec, 2010, 16:12…
    I was wondering if the games didn't sell well, but I seem to recall the numbers being decent enough for the Sam & Max seasons.

    Playing TMI and S&M3 on the 360 would be pretty sweet at any rate.
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    The Tingler on 09 Dec, 2010, 01:18…
    Oh, great, I've become an adjective.

    I wonder if there's been a big falling out between Microsoft and Telltale.

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