
Strong Bad at a discount (updated) 15 Jan, 2009, 03:01 / Comments: 13

If you bought Sam and Max (I'm not sure how many episodes: I own all the Sam and Max games) then check your email: you might have a coupon code that lowers down the price of a Season Pass - that's five episodes - for Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People from $34.99 to $19.99. To be honest with you that's a steal and you'd be (and no joking here) incredibly stupid not to buy it. Like incredibly, utterly irreversibly stupid not to get it now. Because it's great quality, is cheaper than the crap that plays in most movie theatres and most importantly is a load of fun. That's more than you can say about 99% of other games.

So go. This is for a very limited time only - I'm not sure if all coupons end on Wednesday but mine does. Maybe someone can clear-up?

Anyways, thanks Telltale Games. You really are more than we could have ever hoped for.

Update: Because I'm a dofus, I didn't notice when it said it expired on Wednesday...the 21st of January. All of them do. OK, anyways. Strong Bad. Super cool.


  • Jayel on 16 Jan, 2009, 01:54…
    HURRAY my laziness has been rewarded!
  • Capn_Nacho on 15 Jan, 2009, 04:31…
    Got the coupon. As much as I love Telltale, and as high quality as the games are, I'm just not a Homestar fan (save for their They Might Be Giants collaborations.) I just don't find it funny, to be honest. Sigh.
  • Kroms on 15 Jan, 2009, 04:59…
    I kind-of got the feel for it after watching it some of the flash episodes. Once that 'clicked' the game made much more sense.

    I'd already played Episode One on a friend's Wii, now I bought the whole Season and am re-playing it...once you get it it's great.
  • Kroms on 15 Jan, 2009, 05:14…
    Does your coupon expire on Wednesday too?
  • Capn_Nacho on 15 Jan, 2009, 22:28…
    Yeah, it does. Looks like they all do.
  • jp-30 on 15 Jan, 2009, 03:58…
    Oh man, I was planning to buy them on Wiiware starting next week. Now I'm torn...
  • Udvarnoky on 15 Jan, 2009, 05:17…
    $30 is an expensive price to pay for the privilege of playing the game on a TV.
  • Giygas on 15 Jan, 2009, 14:22…
    Actually, its $50. Each game costs $10.
  • tabacco on 15 Jan, 2009, 18:00…
    I believe he was referring to $50 minus $19.99 which is ~$30 :)
  • jp-30 on 15 Jan, 2009, 06:38…
    I know! The family got the Wii for Christmas and I've been dying to try out Wiiware. I know my wife would play the game with me on Wii, but not on PC.

    Might just have to spend my Wiiware money on World of Goo and do Homestar on PC.

    I'm seriously considering buying Sam & Max season 1 on Wii (it's released here in February) just so I can play it (again) with the wife.
  • Kroms on 15 Jan, 2009, 06:56…
    I hope your coupon hasn't run out already. It's Thursday (and I should be asleep).
  • jp-30 on 15 Jan, 2009, 09:06…
    "We're giving you a unique coupon code which will expire January 21 (that's next Wednesday)"
  • Kroms on 15 Jan, 2009, 19:38…
    I was reading at 3 am.