
Staff of Kings Trailer - no next gen versions in sight 23 Jan, 2009, 22:36 / Comments: 29

Update by Jason: This trailer would seem to confirm suspicions that the internally developed, Euphoria-enabled 360/PS3 version that has been in some stage of development for five years has been scrapped, and that LEC is now going to simply publish the 3rd party Wii, PS2, and handheld ports that did not suffer the same production problems. Note that, like the ports for The Force Unleashed, the Indy game that will be released is unlikely to be very similar to the original, next-gen versions in areas beyond storyline. If what seems obvious about the LEC version is true, it's unknown what if anything is being developed internally at the studio right now.

Source: Jan de Haan and 5IC



  • fytonight on 13 May, 2009, 08:25…
    I like the whole silly idea of marketing this kind of games. When it comes to selling software online it whole other ballpark.

    I don't get it, why they can't sell games online like most companies selling software?
  • Diduz on 26 Jan, 2009, 23:26…
    Something is afoot.
    The official site on
    has been "updated". No screens available anymore, no trailer. The "game infos" have been rewritten and simplified.
  • Sven_Q45 on 25 Jan, 2009, 01:06…
    I still didn´t get over it, it´s not for PC. :(
  • MrSneeze on 24 Jan, 2009, 21:51…
    Call me a heretic, but I liked the trailer. I haven't had a chance of playing an Indy game since Fate of Atlantis, so that might count for something.

    I might get this if it's ever released, although I hardly think so.
  • Udvarnoky on 24 Jan, 2009, 23:09…
    Well there isn't anything to [i]dislike[/i] about the trailer, but the fact that it contains no in-game footage and is cobbled together from earlier released art and Emperor's Tomb assets is kinda suspicious.
  • MrSneeze on 24 Jan, 2009, 21:52…
    [correction]"...I don't think it will ever be released."
  • Capn_Nacho on 24 Jan, 2009, 13:56…
    A very iffy proposition, but actually quite a cute little trailer. Bit of a shame, still, that there's no internal development in sight and the beautifully glowing logo at the beginning of the video means absolutely nothing, but it could end up being a fun game.

    Looking forward to trying it on my PlayStation Portable® Handheld Entertainment Console.
  • Udvarnoky on 24 Jan, 2009, 16:43…
    Oh, I'll definitely be picking up the Wii version. It's just that, and not to rag on the game before we've even really seen it, I think people would do well to temper their expectations. The good news is that the Wii version was likely built from the ground up for that console, but the bad news is that in all honesty the Wii/PS2/PSP/DS versions were supposed to be the "let's get a 3rd party to develop all these disposable ports so we can be on all platforms" releases. I doubt the games will be bad, but you have to think they will be heavily gutted versions of what was meant to be.

    The other problem is that A2M (who I'm 99% sure is the developer of the games getting released) is a company that exclusively develops movie/TV tie-in games, and ports. Not exactly promising stuff.
  • jp-30 on 25 Jan, 2009, 02:28…
    "A2M? You never go A2M!"
  • Laserschwert on 26 Jan, 2009, 09:00…
    "Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it's okay to go A2M."
  • The Tingler on 24 Jan, 2009, 15:21…
    I'll be Wii. And maybe DS.
  • The Tingler on 24 Jan, 2009, 13:10…
    R.I.P. LucasArts the Great Developer.

    Killed by stupid marketing people and directors who just couldn't give a **** about games.
  • Jeo on 24 Jan, 2009, 12:31…
    So, I guess the official name for this console generation is "Next Gen" :p.
    Would be awesome if people called it that even after the next generation of consoles comes out.
  • icanseestars on 24 Jan, 2009, 09:49…
    That's a whole lot of strange, the trailer is clearly not Wii in game footage and looks like they baked the trailer used assets from the canned PS3/X360 versions.

    Because development is so different between the Wii/DS/PS2/PSP and PS3/360 if they canned the PS3/360 version why not just do a higher resolution version of the same game the low end team were working on ?

    Either that or the team working on the PS3/360 got their marching orders and whatevers left a LEC is working on the force unleashed 2.

    Anyway hope its good at least my PSP will be useful again.
  • Icebox on 24 Jan, 2009, 02:51…
    I'm Sorry?
    Looks like Wii won...
  • jp-30 on 24 Jan, 2009, 01:44…
    I'll be buying that for my Wii!

  • neon_git on 24 Jan, 2009, 00:19…
    Hey guys - we just got some Joystiq love.

    You're totally famous now Gabez.
  • Igl85 on 23 Jan, 2009, 23:17…
    Oh, come on. Wii?!? Damn it,I hope Playstation at least means PS2 and not PSP
  • The Tingler on 24 Jan, 2009, 11:47…
    I'll be very surprised if it doesn't.
  • neon_git on 23 Jan, 2009, 23:04…
    This actually looks pretty good.
  • Diduz on 23 Jan, 2009, 23:01…
    It seems to me that the next-gen PS3/XBOX360 versions HAVE been discarded, after all.
    If you look at the end of the trailer, it reads Playstation (PSP? PS2?), Wii and DS.
  • Udvarnoky on 24 Jan, 2009, 05:36…
  • Kroms on 23 Jan, 2009, 22:58…
    Note to LucasArts: Indiana Jones is not an action hero.
  • jp-30 on 24 Jan, 2009, 01:50…
    Yes he is, he's just not a mass murderer.

    And in that trailer almost all he did was run away from danger.

    I like it!
  • Kroms on 24 Jan, 2009, 03:14…
    I always thought of him as a wiseass, for whom punching was just an inconvenience.
  • Ascovel on 23 Jan, 2009, 22:58…
    Looks like a remake of Emperor's Tomb.
  • QueZTone on 24 Jan, 2009, 21:47…
    the animation of the character was also identical to that of emperor's tomb (the way he climbed up from those stairs etc)

    btw, his face wasn't really a resemblence to Harrison Ford... what's up with that?

    the 'huh?' lines in the trailer were ANNOYING

    overall, im glad to see new indy footage though... of course :)
  • The Tingler on 24 Jan, 2009, 11:48…
    Totally agree with you there mate - I didn't see a single moment in that trailer which wasn't:

    1. Taken from very early concept art/the original early trailers
    2. Taken from Emperor's Tomb.

    Very worried about this. Still gonna get it though... :P
  • Diduz on 23 Jan, 2009, 22:50…
    Wii? That's good news.
    Looks funny to me.