
Spanish Translation 08 Dec, 2000 / Comments: 5

This is the Spanish translation of mercatfat's eariler post about a Spanish MI walkthrough...

Para los altavoces espa?oles, hay un walkthrough espa?ol de la EMI en la Monkey Island Argentina, un fansite espa?ol del mono del MI.


  • Jamesh on 08 Dec, 2000, 20:21…
    I forgot to do the link! And hey - don't diss go translator! =)
  • RSKULL on 08 Dec, 2000, 16:35…
    Por fin un mesaje de mixnmojo en espa?ol, es un dia feliz para todos los hispano parlantes.
  • clau on 08 Dec, 2000, 16:00…
    the URL of Monkey Island Argentina is, adn is not a spanish site, is a argentine site
  • spaff on 08 Dec, 2000, 09:39…
  • tabacco on 08 Dec, 2000, 08:26…
    "del mono de MI?" "of the monkey of MI?" :)