While participating in an “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit with forty-five other developers (among the tidbits: Wadjet Eye confirmed talking with Brian Moriarty about a Loom sequel years ago, but no legal headway could be made with Lucasfilm), Skunkape loosed a screenshot from Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space: Remastered:

I might also point out something we failed to report last month: a sweepstakes to win a specialized, Psychonauts 2-themed Xbox console. But we can at least get a look at it:

I guess we could have been quicker on the draw, but you don’t need that thing cluttering your house anyway.
Source: Reddit
By the time I finish S1 it'll be Christmas, which would be the perfect time for S2 to be released.
That screenshot looks positively gorgeous. I can't wait to play it, season 2 is my favourite even though I agree with most fans that The Devil's Playhouse is objectively better, especailly as an ongoing narrative. The combination of vampires, the afterlife, time travel and Santa Claus really hit a lot of things that I love in fiction.
I share that exact same feeling. S3 does everything better, but the time travel back into S1 alone makes S2 my favourite season. Plus the visuals seem to be a huge step up from season 1 remaster. SO looking forward to this!