It seems that some bright spark called Neil Millstone has ported ScummVM to the Nintendo dual-screen thingamy. You can see a video of Sam & Max working on the device here, and you can download the port here. Apparently the touch screen part can be used to move the pointer in the game, which is pretty cool.
Update: Oops, this is actually old news, though I'm at least the Sam & Max video is new. (Thanks Haggis!)
And speaking of Sam & Max: if you don?t already, you should really read the Telltale blogs. There?s a good one about reactions to the new game (apparently some people didn?t already know about it!) as well as a report from e3, showing off some awesome looking posters.
Source: ThunderPeel2001
I mean, why fool around with mediocre DS games, when I can just load the real deal. That's kind of how I feel about it.
I saw this news, and it reminded me of MI, and if you added a little MI music, and a little MI story, you would have a great MI game?? :)
Fill my eyes...
The PSP does a much better job of running ScummVM.
But thanks for mentioning me anyway. :D