Want to know what game Ron is working on at Double Fine? Then get in line, but in the meantime check out two pieces of character concept art he's put up on his blog along with this:
Here are a couple of fine pieces of concept art from the game I'm making with the amazing folks at Double Fine. I'm so excited. This is an idea that has been in my head for a long long long time. It predates Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island. It's a game that needed to be made.
These are two of the playable characters. That's all I can say right now, but more will follow later.
The concept art looks rather Nathan Martz-y Stapley-ish (but is actually the work of Derek Brand).

Source: Grumpy Gamer
To be fair, I would have been right had I not been wrong.
Turns out the art is by Derek Brand.
To be fair, I would have been right had I not been wrong.
As for the concept art, awesome looking.
Kinda related to Nathan Martz: I *think* that Scott Campbell has left Double Fine. Tasha Harris has definitely left. This is all late, but (if Scott C. has indeed left), good luck - and much thanks - to them both. Double Fine wouldn't have been Double Fine without them.