The image above is Double Fine's Christmas card. There are four packages shown, presumably relating to the studio's four downloadable titles. Two have been revealed, Costume Quest and Stacking, and two are still unknown.
However, the packaging the games are in seems to relate to the game itself (bats for Costume Quest, and an old-fashioned hatbox for Stacking). Kotaku have therefore speculated that the unopened two have hints on them.
What do you think? Perhaps this for the big red box?
Source: Kotaku
Chances are extremely low... But IF Psychonauts 2 is in that red box, I assure you that a naked guy will be seen running and shouting in the city of Milan.
That would be the most awesome announcement of this DECADE.
I suppose the green box is the first person shooter, if I read correctly, and my guess is that the red box is Gilbert's game, too.