
Second Sam & Max episode now available from Telltale 05 Jan, 2007 / Comments: 16

While nothing as trivial as a Sam & Max game could ever possibly fill the Traxion-shaped void in all our hearts, I must for completion's sake mention that Situation: Comedy is now up on Telltale's site for download. Go buy the game/redeem your pre-order!

No, it's not going to make you feel better, and things will never be the same. But it just might, with a little grace, help make the pain slightly more bearable.


  • FreeSquares on 06 Jan, 2007, 20:45…
    That was even shorter than the first one... Still, enjoyable enough.
  • Jake on 06 Jan, 2007, 10:21…
    Everyone's being so hard on Traxion :( I have no idea what that game was, or if it was good at all, or anything, but Kuju - the developer of Traxion - is a cool studio and they don't deserve to be abused. Go play Batallion Wars on the Gamecube and then come back and dump on them again. It will be a lot harder to do.
  • Jayel on 05 Jan, 2007, 23:41…
    can't wait to go home to play it
  • FreeSquares on 05 Jan, 2007, 23:25…
    Doesn't seem to be on the actual "Sam and Max" page, though. Like, as an individual download. Even though the page had some downtime for a few hours earlier on.

    Damnit. I would GameTap it, but they only do North America, and I'm in the UK...

    Oh, and I want it individually downloadable 'cause I foolishly downloaded Culture Shock individually, and don't feel like paying for it and downloading it again in the season one collection. :(
  • Udvarnoky on 05 Jan, 2007, 23:33…
    You could do the season upgrade, however both that and the page for buying episode 2 by itself are down at the moment. They say it'll be up soon.
  • FreeSquares on 05 Jan, 2007, 23:37…
    I didn't know you could do that... So basically it's like ordering the season one collection without having to pay for and download any episodes you've already got?

    I'll definitely go for that if so.
  • Udvarnoky on 05 Jan, 2007, 23:34…
    Correction, the season upgrade seems to be back up.
  • FreeSquares on 05 Jan, 2007, 23:45…
    Ah, sweet. Thanks for this. I wouldn't have found that without you showing me, haha.

    I really need to learn how to navigate Telltale's site...
  • pheeph on 05 Jan, 2007, 22:27…
    I got the file, but it won't connect to the internet to download...
  • valkian on 05 Jan, 2007, 22:23…
    Man....I still can't get over it....I miss Traxion so brakes my soul hurts....snif snif
  • Erwin_Br on 06 Jan, 2007, 17:57…
    You can brake your heart? I must remember that when it's beating too fast again.
  • MrSneeze on 05 Jan, 2007, 22:16…
    That's a lie! A lie I tell ya! I haven't gotten an email yet, and I can't even go into my "past purchases" thingamagick.
  • Udvarnoky on 05 Jan, 2007, 22:19…
    My email was in my spam folder.
  • MrSneeze on 05 Jan, 2007, 22:31…
    No spam, no email, nada! *bulging eyes*
  • MrSneeze on 06 Jan, 2007, 10:21…
    Finally! :D Woohooooooooooooooooooooo etc.
  • jp-30 on 05 Jan, 2007, 21:58…