
Schafer and Petty Pod Their Cast 13 Jan, 2011 / 0 comments

Tim "The Man" Schafer and Lee "Almost Bearded" Petty of Double Fine Productions have recently been talking in a 1UP podcast in a series called "Games, Dammit!"

We have about an hour-and-a-half's hour of talk about games like Minotaur Rescue, Enslaved, Limbo, Dead Space 2, Heavy Rain, and, of course, Double Fine's Stacking. We also have Tim and Lee tackle questions about writing, the funniest thing that's happened to them, and CES memories.

The podcast can be listened to here. It's like listening to some annoying buffoons talking loudly in a pub, except you can't join in with their conversation, and one of them is Tim Schafer.

Source: Twilo


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