Fans have noticed that a single but nonetheless promising
screenshot from the third episode of
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse, "They Stole Max's Brain!" has appeared on Telltale's press site. The peek depicts a coat-free and unshaven Sam whose bite is at least as bad as his bark when he loses his cool and goes rogue, presumably in the pursuit of his little buddy's gooey upper story. The screenshot is likely a precursor to an upcoming blog post and/or update to the series' official page, so stay tuned for more on Sam & Max 303, which if you can believe it is already due sometime this month. And if you've yet to check in to
The Devil's Playhouse and are a PS3 owner,
reports that the season's PSN price is temporarily discounted to $24.99.
Between Sam & Max and the dino-themed announcements that are sure to come at E3, you might be experiencing some sort of Telltale overload of awesome right about now, but don't forget that you're also scheduled to received
Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent by the month's end as well, given your good taste in
Nothing wrong with that.
I agree, just kinda funny.
Been watching it all day :D