
Sam & Max to hit the iPad 16 Aug, 2011 / 4 comments

More than a year has passed since Telltale released episode one of The Devil's Playhouse for the iPad and now, finally they're set to release... Beyond Time and Space?

Yes, the follow up to episode one of season three will, apparently, be all of season two. Go figure. Apparently it will be localized, though, so that might be good?

Read more about Telltale and their iPad plans.

Source: Gamespot



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    Jones Jr on 18 Aug, 2011, 11:45…


    Having recently won a 32 gig ipad 2, this is prettu cool. I'm becoming such an old man, the ipad 2 has started to become my main gaming device. I'm all for everg game ever coming to ipad.

    I hear what you're saying there. Having recently got an Android tablet, if TTG ported their games to Android, I'd be sorely tempted to leave the PC behind and even shell out for the previous games again!
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    Remi on 17 Aug, 2011, 22:57…


    Having recently won a 32 gig ipad 2, this is prettu cool. I'm becoming such an old man, the ipad 2 has started to become my main gaming device. I'm all for everg game ever coming to ipad.

    Oh, I completely agree. Adventure games lend themselves quite well to the touch interface.

    Heck, I'll probably buy season 2, despite my ¬¬ feelings about TTG's iPad strategy, (Still waiting for the rest of season 3...)
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    Shmargin on 17 Aug, 2011, 21:28…
    Having recently won a 32 gig ipad 2, this is prettu cool. I'm becoming such an old man, the ipad 2 has started to become my main gaming device. I'm all for everg game ever coming to ipad.
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    Bloody_Eugene on 17 Aug, 2011, 07:17…
    Season 2 was already translated in German, French, Spanish and Italian. It's a pity is that the game never reached Italy and Spain - half of the localized languages. The brave ones bought the game on foreign countries, paying shipping and additional taxes.

    Also: On Steam, Tales of Monkey Island is now sold in 3 languages. Don't know why on the Telltale Store it's only in english - and the old version, they didn't updated to the Earl Boen one too.

    Really hope that things like these will not happen anymore. Right now they're a mess about translations/localizations and the final distribution of them.

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