
Sam and Max defile magazine cover, GDC Awards 07 Mar, 2007 / Comments: 2

Telltale has posted its initial coverage of GDC in their most recent blog entry. Most of what they report has already been brought to your attention by the vigilant JP. However, they also have (a scan of an ad containing a picture of) the cover of the March issue of gamedeveloper, which as promised displays a brand new Sam & Max drawing by Steve Purcell.

Here's hoping that Purcell's apparent willingness to draw inordinate amounts of amazing Sam & Max feature art extends to the cover of the Season 1 CD release. ...Oh! And in the blog Telltale also teases that Sam & Max will be making a "special appearance" at the GDC Awards ceremony. If there's any luck they won't behave themselves.


  • Jayel on 08 Mar, 2007, 03:43…
    On a loosely related note, I'm saddened to see that CGW no longer exists. I grew up with CGW - before the days of the internet it had been my only source of gaming information.
  • tabacco on 09 Mar, 2007, 17:05…
    They're called Games for Windows now, but it's the same editorial staff as far as I know.