
Sam and Max at Stuckey's 08 Aug, 2009 / Comments: 4

If you've played Sam and Max Hit the Road (and if you haven't you should) then you know about the various Stuckey's's* you can rob admire. Apparently the suits over at the real Stuckey's (which you can't rob) are awesome, in a Dan Connors way: because how else can you explain Sam and Max being on their newsletter?

*I think I just killed a grammar teacher.


  • Izzy on 08 Aug, 2009, 21:05…
    Don't you mean Snuckeys?
  • MeddlingMonk on 08 Aug, 2009, 21:20…
    In the game, yeah. (But not in the comics.)
  • Udvarnoky on 08 Aug, 2009, 21:59…
    Yeah, the real life chain is called Stuckey's, and that's what Purcell used in the On the Road comic. For Hit the Road, I think they renamed it to Snuckey's for legal reasons.
  • Capn_Nacho on 08 Aug, 2009, 20:55…
    This is pretty dang awesome.